Wt 203
(M) Neuro Warm Up, Foot Speed and Top Speed Drills (Fast leg) Depth Landings x 15 (5 @max 34), Box Jumps 1x18 up to 12@41.5, 1 Bench 1rm (265) up to 235x5 (85+%) 2 DB Floor Press 3x 8 (75,90,80's) / 1 Leg Reverse Hyper 3x10 (3,5,5), 3 DB Chest Supported Row 3x8 (50-60) / Face Pull 3x10 4 DB Front Plate Raise 3 x 15 (15-25) / Band Pull Apart 3x15 5 DB Hammer Curls 3 x10 (40-45) / Rope Pushdown 3 x 10 12,15,16) 100 reps of ground based abs
(T) Cardio 130-150 hr for 16 minutes, recovery rope chops, planks, ant chain
(W) Skip Warm Up, Medballs, Nordic Curls 2 x 10, Snatch Pull Floor 4x2 @ 98, 137, 159,174 (2x2 Hang Snatch 137 & 142) / 1 Leg x Box Jump x 2, Box Squat (3 mats) 3 @ bar, 115-185-245-2@295-335-1@385-425-455-475 1 DB Bulgarian 3x 8 (30,65,70), 3x12 45 Back Extension (15,25,35), 1 x 20 sprinter, side plank up, toe touches w/45
(Th) NX Warm Up, Rope Chop Series, Hurricane 10 x25 seconds @4 incline @ 10.5 speed(1-Tire hits 12/starfish 12, 2-Green Plate Chop 12, Russian 12, 3- Pallof)
(F) Defranco Upper Body Warm Up, Medball Explosives, 3x Vested Max Pushups (go until speed slows) 30,25,25, CableLat Pulls 3x20 @10,12,8, YTW's 3x10 w/5's, BandPushdown 4x25/DB Alt Curl 3x10, rest 5 Acceleration Prowler March 4x20 yards (45,45+25, 45/45, 45/45+25) Acceleration Sled Drags 4x 20 yards (4 plates ++25/25)
(S/S) off
Great week of training. Diet is going really well. Loving this wheat grass drank each morning. Xmas partay tonight--progress will be put on hold.
"It is better to conquer yourself than to win 10,000 battles" Buddha
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Becoming a Ki Machine
Progam Goals:
207-11%-1.55-2.65-3.95-4.6-32"-9'6-30ft+-475-275-275/9 (Current Pre-Program)
Focus Areas: Follow a similar DeFranco Style method, making my own adaptations directed towards my own needs analysis, more than anything I want to focus on performance nutrition...I am always most explosive with a low body fat and 190s weight
Cycle 1
(M) Neuro Warm Up, Depth Landings x 20 (10 max), Box Jumps 1x15 up to 10 @ 37.5 for 6 to 8, 1 Bench 1rm (265) 80% 2x5 (210), 2 DB Floor Press 3x 10 (75,85's) / 1 Leg Reverse Hyper 3x10 (3,4s), 3 DB Chest Supported Row 3x10 (45,50s) / Face Pull 3x12 4 Front Plate Raise 3 x 15 / Band Pull Apart 3x15
5 DB Hammer Curls 3 x10 (35s 40s) / Rope Pushdown 3 x 10 (10,12,14) 100 reps of ground based abs
(T) Cardio 140 hr for 20 minutes, recovery rope chops, planks
(W) Skip Warm Up, Medballs, Nordic Curls 2 x 10, Snatch Pull 4x3 @ 88, 132, 154,167 (1x3 Hang Snatch 132) / 1 Leg x Box Jump x 2, Box Squat (3 mats) 3 @ bar, 115-185-245-295-335-370 x 1-400x1--420x3, 1 DB Bulgarian 2x 8 (45,65), 3x10 45 Back Extension (10,20,30), 1 x 20 sprinter, side plank up, toe touches w/45
(Th) NX Warm Up, Rope Chop Series, Hurricane 9 x 12 @ 3 incline @ 10 speed @ 30 seconds (1-Tire hits 10/starfish 10, 2-Green Plate Chop 10, Russian 10, 3- Pallof)
(F) Defranco Upper Body Warm Up, Barbell Bench Test 225 x 9, 3x Vested Max Pushups (go until speed slows) 25,20,20, Cable/ Band Lat Pulls 3x20 @9, YTW's 3x10 w/5's, BandPushdown 4x25/DB Alt Curl 3x10, rest 5 Acceleration Prowler March 4x20 yards (45,45+25, 45 +45s) Acceleration Sled Drags 4x 20 yards (4 plates ++)
(S/S) off
"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate" - Chuang TZU
207-11%-1.55-2.65-3.95-4.6-32"-9'6-30ft+-475-275-275/9 (Current Pre-Program)
Focus Areas: Follow a similar DeFranco Style method, making my own adaptations directed towards my own needs analysis, more than anything I want to focus on performance nutrition...I am always most explosive with a low body fat and 190s weight
Cycle 1
(M) Neuro Warm Up, Depth Landings x 20 (10 max), Box Jumps 1x15 up to 10 @ 37.5 for 6 to 8, 1 Bench 1rm (265) 80% 2x5 (210), 2 DB Floor Press 3x 10 (75,85's) / 1 Leg Reverse Hyper 3x10 (3,4s), 3 DB Chest Supported Row 3x10 (45,50s) / Face Pull 3x12 4 Front Plate Raise 3 x 15 / Band Pull Apart 3x15
5 DB Hammer Curls 3 x10 (35s 40s) / Rope Pushdown 3 x 10 (10,12,14) 100 reps of ground based abs
(T) Cardio 140 hr for 20 minutes, recovery rope chops, planks
(W) Skip Warm Up, Medballs, Nordic Curls 2 x 10, Snatch Pull 4x3 @ 88, 132, 154,167 (1x3 Hang Snatch 132) / 1 Leg x Box Jump x 2, Box Squat (3 mats) 3 @ bar, 115-185-245-295-335-370 x 1-400x1--420x3, 1 DB Bulgarian 2x 8 (45,65), 3x10 45 Back Extension (10,20,30), 1 x 20 sprinter, side plank up, toe touches w/45
(Th) NX Warm Up, Rope Chop Series, Hurricane 9 x 12 @ 3 incline @ 10 speed @ 30 seconds (1-Tire hits 10/starfish 10, 2-Green Plate Chop 10, Russian 10, 3- Pallof)
(F) Defranco Upper Body Warm Up, Barbell Bench Test 225 x 9, 3x Vested Max Pushups (go until speed slows) 25,20,20, Cable/ Band Lat Pulls 3x20 @9, YTW's 3x10 w/5's, BandPushdown 4x25/DB Alt Curl 3x10, rest 5 Acceleration Prowler March 4x20 yards (45,45+25, 45 +45s) Acceleration Sled Drags 4x 20 yards (4 plates ++)
(S/S) off
"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate" - Chuang TZU
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Trying to live in the here and now
The other day I came across a great quote by Emerson in which he said that "We are always getting ready to live but never living." My personality seems alot like that quote. For me it seems like the future is always looming ahead of me....tbis is when you respond, "Well no shit it is!" I think we aspire alot of times to do better or look forward to that moment when someday we are "better." Sometimes I think I lose sight of the fact that a worthwhile life is one in which we're living in the here and now. I want to learn from my past but at this point I dont want to let the "future" exist as common thought...thats all it is...thoughts. I think it should be a major goal to start putting together collections of "here and now" moments for my life. Planning ahead is helpful, dont get me wrong their, but look at two of its numerous definitions:
1. A scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the accomplishment of an objective: a plan of attack. (worked out beforehand...how can you work out what hasnt happened beforehand)
2. In perspective rendering, one of several imaginary planes perpendicular to the line of vision between the viewer and the object being depicted. (imaginarey???hmm)
I guess my point is that plans never go exactly according, they just don't. We can plan all we want, but when it alcomes down to it the big common missing link to staying on your path has to do with your purpose. A purpose driven life doesnt necessarily dictate your future, it more or less serves as your present guideline for your here and now moments. If your purpose is to be happy than you should be smiling now. Notice how I didn't say "happier."... Which would connotate a past and future self. Be happy. Be happy. Be happy...its that simple. We become so goal oriented and comparative with everything we do that we forget what we are actually doing. Today I had an athlete come in and train. Athletes come in to get better...they think, "man someday I'm going to be this big time scholarship player and I'm going to run a 4.3 40 yard dash." Its that goal, that goal, that goal, that drives us. Your so obsessed with that goal that you lose fact of where you are. People want to think about the goal and the journey to get their. How does a pilot fly in the dark or in the middle of a storm? They have a purpose in the air and thats to fly the plane, it isnt to land the plane. Thats way to far ahead...plus you cant see the runway. So what do you do to get their...you pay attention to where you are at. You use your values and principles that are with you in the here and the now. No matter which way you want to look at it the plane is going to land. Pilots wont look ahead to far. They have faith that if they stick to their here and now moments, the plane is going to land when it is supposed to. So question yourself, What are you doing right now? Did you remember thinking about that when you were a kid. No. You went out and played and fell asleep and ate and you just went out and did and you didnt necessarily think. You lived in the here and now. You were flying your own plane and you had a certain blind pilot faith.
1. A scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the accomplishment of an objective: a plan of attack. (worked out beforehand...how can you work out what hasnt happened beforehand)
2. In perspective rendering, one of several imaginary planes perpendicular to the line of vision between the viewer and the object being depicted. (imaginarey???hmm)
I guess my point is that plans never go exactly according, they just don't. We can plan all we want, but when it alcomes down to it the big common missing link to staying on your path has to do with your purpose. A purpose driven life doesnt necessarily dictate your future, it more or less serves as your present guideline for your here and now moments. If your purpose is to be happy than you should be smiling now. Notice how I didn't say "happier."... Which would connotate a past and future self. Be happy. Be happy. Be happy...its that simple. We become so goal oriented and comparative with everything we do that we forget what we are actually doing. Today I had an athlete come in and train. Athletes come in to get better...they think, "man someday I'm going to be this big time scholarship player and I'm going to run a 4.3 40 yard dash." Its that goal, that goal, that goal, that drives us. Your so obsessed with that goal that you lose fact of where you are. People want to think about the goal and the journey to get their. How does a pilot fly in the dark or in the middle of a storm? They have a purpose in the air and thats to fly the plane, it isnt to land the plane. Thats way to far ahead...plus you cant see the runway. So what do you do to get their...you pay attention to where you are at. You use your values and principles that are with you in the here and the now. No matter which way you want to look at it the plane is going to land. Pilots wont look ahead to far. They have faith that if they stick to their here and now moments, the plane is going to land when it is supposed to. So question yourself, What are you doing right now? Did you remember thinking about that when you were a kid. No. You went out and played and fell asleep and ate and you just went out and did and you didnt necessarily think. You lived in the here and now. You were flying your own plane and you had a certain blind pilot faith.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Monday Training From Zero Cycle 3
Eliptical 3/ Power plate and roll out 17
foot strength 3 to 5
Dynamic warm up, ground based mobility/ low abs /activation 15
Single leg glute ext x 8 w/green than red plate/lunge series stretch
Lo to hi 3x8 / Rdl, deep sit, hang shrug 4's x bar + greens, bar+ blues
5x4 clean shrug from floor 199,243,268, db jump shrug w/70's, 288x2
Cable/Wall Drill/ Prowler March 10 yards/ 2 15 yard 2 point starts (4)
Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10 @ 185,315,405 to single leg slideboard leg curl w/weight/ Blast Strap Row w/vest 3x8
Bike 4/Stretch and roll 16 minutes
Foot strength/low ab
Dynamic Warm up and ground based mobility/activation
Rev Hyper 3,6/45lb cossack squat and squat press/hip flexor box
Midline Cable 3x8 & Superman Arch Up 8/ Snatch RDL, Deep sit, shrug x 5s x 2 @ bar +10, bar+10+greens
Ladder Drills, bandwalks, lateral bound and stick 3 rounds of 8 total jumps, push steps
DB Bench 3x8 @ work up to 75,95,100/ Face Pull 3x15
Lat Pulldown 4x10 w / EZ Bar Skull Crusher 4x8
DB Shrug 3x15/YTW's10/DB Curl
Wed...abdominal core warm up 10 x 20 reps...vibration...hills 8x25 yards...easy run...stretch
Vibration and roll out and stretch
Dynamic Movement, low abs, ground based mobility and activation
Single leg reverse hyper 2x10,8 @ 3,6/ squat to press/ box hip flexor stretch
Pallof 3x8 @ 8,10,12/snatch complex up to bar yellow
Paused Box Jump w/out countermovement 2x5 @ 30,36
Sumo Deadlift 2x5,3x4 @154,265,325,345,375
Broad Jumps 2x5 best of 9'6
Barbell Lunge 2x20 yards @130,165
Reverse Hyper 3x 12 @6,10,12/2 up 1 down leg curl 2x12
Vibration/ankles/dynamic warm up/
runner machine/cossack/rev lunge
foot ladder drills and 1/2 star drills
OG Chin 4x8 @25-35/ Medball Jump Throw 4x6
Barbell Push Up w 3 vest (60lbs) 3x20 reps as fast as possible/ Heavy Band Standing Row 3x16 reps
2 sets heavy rope pushdown x12/face pull/scap push ups
sprints 5x40 yards
Eliptical 3/ Power plate and roll out 17
foot strength 3 to 5
Dynamic warm up, ground based mobility/ low abs /activation 15
Single leg glute ext x 8 w/green than red plate/lunge series stretch
Lo to hi 3x8 / Rdl, deep sit, hang shrug 4's x bar + greens, bar+ blues
5x4 clean shrug from floor 199,243,268, db jump shrug w/70's, 288x2
Cable/Wall Drill/ Prowler March 10 yards/ 2 15 yard 2 point starts (4)
Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10 @ 185,315,405 to single leg slideboard leg curl w/weight/ Blast Strap Row w/vest 3x8
Bike 4/Stretch and roll 16 minutes
Foot strength/low ab
Dynamic Warm up and ground based mobility/activation
Rev Hyper 3,6/45lb cossack squat and squat press/hip flexor box
Midline Cable 3x8 & Superman Arch Up 8/ Snatch RDL, Deep sit, shrug x 5s x 2 @ bar +10, bar+10+greens
Ladder Drills, bandwalks, lateral bound and stick 3 rounds of 8 total jumps, push steps
DB Bench 3x8 @ work up to 75,95,100/ Face Pull 3x15
Lat Pulldown 4x10 w / EZ Bar Skull Crusher 4x8
DB Shrug 3x15/YTW's10/DB Curl
Wed...abdominal core warm up 10 x 20 reps...vibration...hills 8x25 yards...easy run...stretch
Vibration and roll out and stretch
Dynamic Movement, low abs, ground based mobility and activation
Single leg reverse hyper 2x10,8 @ 3,6/ squat to press/ box hip flexor stretch
Pallof 3x8 @ 8,10,12/snatch complex up to bar yellow
Paused Box Jump w/out countermovement 2x5 @ 30,36
Sumo Deadlift 2x5,3x4 @154,265,325,345,375
Broad Jumps 2x5 best of 9'6
Barbell Lunge 2x20 yards @130,165
Reverse Hyper 3x 12 @6,10,12/2 up 1 down leg curl 2x12
Vibration/ankles/dynamic warm up/
runner machine/cossack/rev lunge
foot ladder drills and 1/2 star drills
OG Chin 4x8 @25-35/ Medball Jump Throw 4x6
Barbell Push Up w 3 vest (60lbs) 3x20 reps as fast as possible/ Heavy Band Standing Row 3x16 reps
2 sets heavy rope pushdown x12/face pull/scap push ups
sprints 5x40 yards
Bike 3
Stick 12
Ankles/Foot strength & Low abs 8
Dynamic warm up and mobility 17
Runner Machine x 2/ Cossack & Rev Lunge from Block
Pallof press/ clean complex rdl/deep sit/ hang shrug bar +greens, bar+blues
Trap Bar 4x6,4,2,2 @165,275,385,435 w/ 1 than 1.5 than 2.o min rest
Quick to ankling to high knee 3x 15 yards
Acceleration Cable March/ wall drill/ band sprint x 3
Back Squat x band 115x5, 185x5,225x5 10 @ 270 w/.5, than1.0 than 2.0 min rest
RFESS front squat grip 115x8,160x8
Glute Ham 3x8 w/25 to 35 / 2 up 1 down leg curl 2x12 50/75
Sat sun off
Bike 3
Stick 12
Ankles/Foot strength & Low abs 8
Dynamic warm up and mobility 17
Runner Machine x 2/ Cossack & Rev Lunge from Block
Pallof press/ clean complex rdl/deep sit/ hang shrug bar +greens, bar+blues
Trap Bar 4x6,4,2,2 @165,275,385,435 w/ 1 than 1.5 than 2.o min rest
Quick to ankling to high knee 3x 15 yards
Acceleration Cable March/ wall drill/ band sprint x 3
Back Squat x band 115x5, 185x5,225x5 10 @ 270 w/.5, than1.0 than 2.0 min rest
RFESS front squat grip 115x8,160x8
Glute Ham 3x8 w/25 to 35 / 2 up 1 down leg curl 2x12 50/75
Sat sun off
Wed Training
Bike 4/Stretch and roll 16 minutes
Foot strength/low ab
Dynamic Warm up and ground based mobility/activation
Rev Hyper 246/45lb cossack squat and squat press/hip flexor box
Midline Cable/ Snatch RDL, Deep sit, shrug x 5s x 2 @ bar +10, bar+10+greens
Ladder Drills, bandwalks, crossover runs to sprint 5 yards 6x5 yards, band walks
Barbell Bench 95 x 15, 145x155, 195x13/ Face Pull 3x15
Lat Pulldown 3x10 w /bands/Band Push down 15
Bike 4/Stretch and roll 16 minutes
Foot strength/low ab
Dynamic Warm up and ground based mobility/activation
Rev Hyper 246/45lb cossack squat and squat press/hip flexor box
Midline Cable/ Snatch RDL, Deep sit, shrug x 5s x 2 @ bar +10, bar+10+greens
Ladder Drills, bandwalks, crossover runs to sprint 5 yards 6x5 yards, band walks
Barbell Bench 95 x 15, 145x155, 195x13/ Face Pull 3x15
Lat Pulldown 3x10 w /bands/Band Push down 15
Monday, April 19, 2010
Training from Zero: Cycle 2
3min eliptical
Stick and stretch and power plater 20 minutes
Low ab/foot strength
Dynamic movement/ Ground based
Single leg glute ext x 8 w/blue plate/lunge series x 2
Lo to hi 3x8 / Rdl, deep sit, hang shrug 5's x 3 bar + 10, yellow +5's
Rack Pull 225x5, 275x4, 315 x 3, 405 x 3 x 1 / Band Pull Apart x15
Prowler 8x25 yards @ 90x2,180x2,270x2
2x10 yards from kneeling
Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10 @ 185,315,405/ Blast Strap Row 3x8
3min eliptical
Stick and stretch and power plater 20 minutes
Low ab/foot strength
Dynamic movement/ Ground based
Single leg glute ext x 8 w/blue plate/lunge series x 2
Lo to hi 3x8 / Rdl, deep sit, hang shrug 5's x 3 bar + 10, yellow +5's
Rack Pull 225x5, 275x4, 315 x 3, 405 x 3 x 1 / Band Pull Apart x15
Prowler 8x25 yards @ 90x2,180x2,270x2
2x10 yards from kneeling
Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10 @ 185,315,405/ Blast Strap Row 3x8
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Bike 3
Stick 12
Ankles/Foot strength & Low abs 8
Dynamic warm up and mobility 17
Runner Machine x 2/ Cossack & Rev Lunge from Block
Pallof press/ clean complex rdl/deep sit/ hang shrug bar +10, yellow's
Trap Bar 4x6,5,4,4 @165,275,350,380 w/ 1 than 1.5 than 2.o min rest
Quick to ankling to high knee 3x 15 yards
Acceleration Cable March/ wall drill/ band sprint x 3
Back Squat x band 95x5, 155x3, 195x3 10 @ 245 w/.5, than1.0 than 2.0 min rest
Barbell Lunge 135 x 20 yards, 155 x 20 yards
Reverse Hyper 3x12 @ 5,10,15/ single leg slide board leg curl 2x8
Low abs/foot strength/gun show and YTW's
Jake- Don't be against something; be for something! Lowerbody deload- 8 sets of 5 front squats
Bike 3
Stick 12
Ankles/Foot strength & Low abs 8
Dynamic warm up and mobility 17
Runner Machine x 2/ Cossack & Rev Lunge from Block
Pallof press/ clean complex rdl/deep sit/ hang shrug bar +10, yellow's
Trap Bar 4x6,5,4,4 @165,275,350,380 w/ 1 than 1.5 than 2.o min rest
Quick to ankling to high knee 3x 15 yards
Acceleration Cable March/ wall drill/ band sprint x 3
Back Squat x band 95x5, 155x3, 195x3 10 @ 245 w/.5, than1.0 than 2.0 min rest
Barbell Lunge 135 x 20 yards, 155 x 20 yards
Reverse Hyper 3x12 @ 5,10,15/ single leg slide board leg curl 2x8
Low abs/foot strength/gun show and YTW's
Jake- Don't be against something; be for something! Lowerbody deload- 8 sets of 5 front squats
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Bike 3
Stick 12
Ankles/Foot strength & Low abs 8
Dynamic warm up and mobility 17
Runner Machine x 2/ Cossack & Rev Lunge from Block
Pallof press/ clean complex rdl/deep sit/ hang shrug
Trap Bar 4x5 @165,275,329,350 w/ 1 than 1.5 than 2.o min rest
Quick to ankling to high knee 5x 15 yards
Acceleration Cable March/ wall drill/ band sprint x 3
Trap Bar 4x5 @165,275,329,350 w/ 1 than 1.5 than 2.o min rest
Back Squat x band 95x5, 155x3, 195x3 9 @ 225 w/.5, than1.0 than 2.0 min rest
Single Leg Front Squat 2x8 @ 95,145 w 2 min. rest
natural Glute Ham Raise 3 x 8 w/25/ single leg slide board leg curl 2x8
Sat/sun off
Training from Zero: Cycle 2, Week 2
3min eliptical/3 min linear ladder drills
Stick and stretch 10 minutes
Low ab/foot strength
Dynamic movement/ Ground based
Single leg glute ext x 8 w/blue plate/lunge series x 2 & stretch
Lo to hi 3x8 / Rdl, deep sit, hang shrug 5's x 2 bar, bar +yellow
Rack Pull 245x5, 335, 355,365x 3x 4/ Band Pull Apart x15
Prowler Push 4 sets 20 yards
2 Band Sprints 10 yards (focusing on not over striding)
Sled Pull 2 sets 20 yards
band sprint/ 2 2pt 10 yard starts
Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10 @ 225,315, 385/ EZ Bar Row from 45 degree hold 2x10 heavy
Bike 4/Stretch and roll 16 minutes
Foot strength/low ab
Dynamic Warm up and ground based mobility/activation
45 Single leg back ext 3x8/10 w/10lb/ 45lb cossack squat and squat press
Hi to lo 8,7/ Snatch RDL, Deep sit, shrug x 5s x 2 @ bar +10, bar+10+greens
Ladder Drills, bandwalks, crossover runs 6x5 yards, band walks
Push Up 4x15,15,12,12 w 2vest,3vests, 3vests +3chains/ Lat Pulldown with band 4x12
Bike 3
Stick 12
Ankles/Foot strength & Low abs 8
Dynamic warm up and mobility 17
Runner Machine x 2/ Cossack & Rev Lunge from Block
Pallof press/ clean complex rdl/deep sit/ hang shrug
Trap Bar 4x5 @165,275,329,350 w/ 1 than 1.5 than 2.o min rest
Quick to ankling to high knee 5x 15 yards
Acceleration Cable March/ wall drill/ band sprint x 3
Trap Bar 4x5 @165,275,329,350 w/ 1 than 1.5 than 2.o min rest
Back Squat x band 95x5, 155x3, 195x3 9 @ 225 w/.5, than1.0 than 2.0 min rest
Single Leg Front Squat 2x8 @ 95,145 w 2 min. rest
natural Glute Ham Raise 3 x 8 w/25/ single leg slide board leg curl 2x8
Sat/sun off
Training from Zero: Cycle 2, Week 2
3min eliptical/3 min linear ladder drills
Stick and stretch 10 minutes
Low ab/foot strength
Dynamic movement/ Ground based
Single leg glute ext x 8 w/blue plate/lunge series x 2 & stretch
Lo to hi 3x8 / Rdl, deep sit, hang shrug 5's x 2 bar, bar +yellow
Rack Pull 245x5, 335, 355,365x 3x 4/ Band Pull Apart x15
Prowler Push 4 sets 20 yards
2 Band Sprints 10 yards (focusing on not over striding)
Sled Pull 2 sets 20 yards
band sprint/ 2 2pt 10 yard starts
Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10 @ 225,315, 385/ EZ Bar Row from 45 degree hold 2x10 heavy
Bike 4/Stretch and roll 16 minutes
Foot strength/low ab
Dynamic Warm up and ground based mobility/activation
45 Single leg back ext 3x8/10 w/10lb/ 45lb cossack squat and squat press
Hi to lo 8,7/ Snatch RDL, Deep sit, shrug x 5s x 2 @ bar +10, bar+10+greens
Ladder Drills, bandwalks, crossover runs 6x5 yards, band walks
Push Up 4x15,15,12,12 w 2vest,3vests, 3vests +3chains/ Lat Pulldown with band 4x12
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Wed. Training from Zero
bike 3
roll out 15 minutes
ankles/bracing 10 minutes
dynamic movement/mobility 15 minutes
3x single leg reverse hyper x 10/8 @ 2,4,6/ cossack squat/box hip flexor psoas stretch
lo to hi 8,7 @ 6,8 / snatch grip rdl, deep sit, snatch shrug x 5 @65,95
mini band walks/ ladder drills/ lateral crossover steps/ mini band walks
Single Arm Split Stance Cable Row 4x8 @10,11,12,12/ 2 up 1 down leg curl 4x10 50, 75,85, 95
Heavy Pushups 4x15,15,12,12+ (20) @ 3 vests + chain/ Face Pulls 4x12 11ish
Wed. Training from Zero
bike 3
roll out 15 minutes
ankles/bracing 10 minutes
dynamic movement/mobility 15 minutes
3x single leg reverse hyper x 10/8 @ 2,4,6/ cossack squat/box hip flexor psoas stretch
lo to hi 8,7 @ 6,8 / snatch grip rdl, deep sit, snatch shrug x 5 @65,95
mini band walks/ ladder drills/ lateral crossover steps/ mini band walks
Single Arm Split Stance Cable Row 4x8 @10,11,12,12/ 2 up 1 down leg curl 4x10 50, 75,85, 95
Heavy Pushups 4x15,15,12,12+ (20) @ 3 vests + chain/ Face Pulls 4x12 11ish
Monday, April 5, 2010
All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire, but my heart is all my own. ~Johann von Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther, 1774
Training from Zero: Cycle 2
3min eliptical/3 min linear ladder drills
Stick and stretch 10 minutes
Low ab/foot strength
Dynamic movement/ Ground based
Single leg glute ext x 8 w/blue plate/lunge series x 2
Lo to hi 3x8 / Rdl, deep sit, hang shrug 5's x 2 bar, bar +greens
Rack Pull 135x5, 225x5, 315x 3x 5/ Band Pull Apart x15
Prowler Push 4 sets 20 yards
Sled Pull 4 sets 20 yards
4 x 10 yard 3 pt sprints (over extending, need to just get my heel recovery set)
Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10 @ 185,275, 365/ EZ Bar Row from 45 degree hold 4x10
Training from Zero: Cycle 2
3min eliptical/3 min linear ladder drills
Stick and stretch 10 minutes
Low ab/foot strength
Dynamic movement/ Ground based
Single leg glute ext x 8 w/blue plate/lunge series x 2
Lo to hi 3x8 / Rdl, deep sit, hang shrug 5's x 2 bar, bar +greens
Rack Pull 135x5, 225x5, 315x 3x 5/ Band Pull Apart x15
Prowler Push 4 sets 20 yards
Sled Pull 4 sets 20 yards
4 x 10 yard 3 pt sprints (over extending, need to just get my heel recovery set)
Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10 @ 185,275, 365/ EZ Bar Row from 45 degree hold 4x10
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday: Day 25
Eliptical 25 minutes
Stick and light stretch 30 minutes
Training From Zero: Day 26
Eliptical 5 minutes
NX Level Linear Ladder Drills
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
3pt 10 yard Sprints x 6...just getting really bored felt pretty good
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Glute Ext off box (blue plate 10 left, 8 right) x3
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ X Band Barbell Back Squat 3x12,10,10ish? 95,145,195
Vested Natural Glute Ham raise 3x8-10 w/10,20/ Pallof Press'
Chin Up/Pull Up/OG Pull with vest 3x 12/ Vested Scap Pushup 20/ Y/T/W's 8 reps 10's
Eliptical 25 minutes
Stick and light stretch 30 minutes
Training From Zero: Day 26
Eliptical 5 minutes
NX Level Linear Ladder Drills
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
3pt 10 yard Sprints x 6...just getting really bored felt pretty good
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Glute Ext off box (blue plate 10 left, 8 right) x3
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ X Band Barbell Back Squat 3x12,10,10ish? 95,145,195
Vested Natural Glute Ham raise 3x8-10 w/10,20/ Pallof Press'
Chin Up/Pull Up/OG Pull with vest 3x 12/ Vested Scap Pushup 20/ Y/T/W's 8 reps 10's
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Training From Zero: 24
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ vested Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
box stretch
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's 7,8/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 10 reps 55, 75, 85
2 Vest Inverted Row 4x10 / Band Pull Apart 4x15+
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Pallof Press
stretch groin/ thoracic mobility
Wrestled Troy, he got a hold my leg about a minute or so in, got a takedown and I rolled into a pin...thats okay, I keep coming...troy's a hater, I hate him : )!
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ vested Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
box stretch
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's 7,8/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 10 reps 55, 75, 85
2 Vest Inverted Row 4x10 / Band Pull Apart 4x15+
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Pallof Press
stretch groin/ thoracic mobility
Wrestled Troy, he got a hold my leg about a minute or so in, got a takedown and I rolled into a pin...thats okay, I keep coming...troy's a hater, I hate him : )!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Training From Zero: Day 22
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 4 more on left leg)2,4,6
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's 6-8/ Barbell Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 185,275,345
3x Push Up w/2 vest + chain 20 seconds/ Face Pull 3x15 @12-16
Day 23 Training From Zero
Eliptical 20 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Mobility Drills 10 Minutes
Stretch 10
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1905
Don't be like most people : )
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 4 more on left leg)2,4,6
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's 6-8/ Barbell Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 185,275,345
3x Push Up w/2 vest + chain 20 seconds/ Face Pull 3x15 @12-16
Day 23 Training From Zero
Eliptical 20 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Mobility Drills 10 Minutes
Stretch 10
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1905
Don't be like most people : )
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Secret to Success #5- Dont ever lose sight of the true you
We all have inherent, natural qualites that sometimes we hide or lose sight of. Maybe you dont want to be the person you are or think you are. Is it alright to try and present something different from what or who you actually are???...I can't answer that, you have to answer that question for yourself. You define you!!!!!!! No one else can aptly describe you in an all encompassing way better than you can. I encourage you to keep growing as a person, but never lose sight of the way you were when you were a 5 year old kid.
I like the quotes from above because when I know that years down the line from now I wont be exactly where I picture myself, but I know I will be exactly where I am supposed to be...make sense : ), probably not to you... but it does makes sense to me
The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another. ~James Matthew Barrie
Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? ~Fanny Brice
I like the quotes from above because when I know that years down the line from now I wont be exactly where I picture myself, but I know I will be exactly where I am supposed to be...make sense : ), probably not to you... but it does makes sense to me
The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another. ~James Matthew Barrie
Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? ~Fanny Brice
Training From Zero: Day 15
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 4 more on left leg)3,4,5
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's 6-8/ Ground Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 154,243, 315
3x Push Up w/2 vest 20 seconds/ Face Pull 3x15 @12-16
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Day 16 Training From Zero
Eliptical 10 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Mobility Drills 10 Minutes
Training From Zero: 17
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 15+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's 7,8/ Pallof/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 12 reps 50, 70, 80
Chest Supported Row 4x10-12 @70/ Band Pull Apart 4x15+
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Thursday and Friday: off
Training From Zero: Day 20
Eliptical 10 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 2 more on left leg)
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ Single Leg Hip Thruster 2x10 50/60
Vested Natural Glute Ham raise 3x10/ Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
Chin Up/Pull Up/OG Pull with vest 3x 12/ Vested Scap Pushup 20/ Y/T/W's 15 reps 10's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 4 more on left leg)3,4,5
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's 6-8/ Ground Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 154,243, 315
3x Push Up w/2 vest 20 seconds/ Face Pull 3x15 @12-16
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Day 16 Training From Zero
Eliptical 10 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Mobility Drills 10 Minutes
Training From Zero: 17
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 15+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's 7,8/ Pallof/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 12 reps 50, 70, 80
Chest Supported Row 4x10-12 @70/ Band Pull Apart 4x15+
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Thursday and Friday: off
Training From Zero: Day 20
Eliptical 10 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 2 more on left leg)
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ Single Leg Hip Thruster 2x10 50/60
Vested Natural Glute Ham raise 3x10/ Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
Chin Up/Pull Up/OG Pull with vest 3x 12/ Vested Scap Pushup 20/ Y/T/W's 15 reps 10's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.”
I was asking some questions and looking for some answers a couple days back. Don't mind what I was asking about, who I was asking, or what I wanted to hear...well anyways I got an answer and it kind of came in an unusual format through a character that somewhat made me laugh. The answer to my question was simply: "When you're ready I will tell you." I think sometimes if we listen or stay open minded for a long enough time we can get answers from the most unusual forms and through the most unusual avenues. Dr Wayne Dyer once wrote "we should have a mind that is open to all things and attached to nothing." I think he was basically relaying what I'm trying to say- that in some cases answers will come to you in the most peculiar ways.
"I am waiting for the Lord, my soul is waiting for Him, and my hope is in His Word." Psalms 130:5
I was asking some questions and looking for some answers a couple days back. Don't mind what I was asking about, who I was asking, or what I wanted to hear...well anyways I got an answer and it kind of came in an unusual format through a character that somewhat made me laugh. The answer to my question was simply: "When you're ready I will tell you." I think sometimes if we listen or stay open minded for a long enough time we can get answers from the most unusual forms and through the most unusual avenues. Dr Wayne Dyer once wrote "we should have a mind that is open to all things and attached to nothing." I think he was basically relaying what I'm trying to say- that in some cases answers will come to you in the most peculiar ways.
"I am waiting for the Lord, my soul is waiting for Him, and my hope is in His Word." Psalms 130:5

Training From Zero: Day 8
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 4 more on left leg)2,3,4
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's 7,8,9/ Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 185,225, 275
3x Push Up w/vest 25 seconds/ Face Pull 3x15 @12
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Day 9 Training From Zero
Eliptical 10 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Foot Strength 5-10 minutes
Mobility Drills 15 Minutes
Lower Abs 5 minutes
Training From Zero: 10
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 15+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's 7,8/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 12 reps 50, 65, 75
Vested Inverted Row/ Band Pull Apart 4x12 @12
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Thursday and Friday: off
Training From Zero: Day 13
Eliptical 10 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg 45 Back Ext x 3 (10, 8 2 more on left leg)
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ Single Leg Hip Thruster 2x10 50/60
Vested Natural Glute Ham raise 3x12/ Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
Chin Up/Pull Up/OG Pull with vest 3x 12/ Vested Scap Pushup 20/ Y/T/W's 15 reps 10's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
I had a really busy week and I ate pretty damn bad! I gave in to stress and I'm really unhappy with myself for doing so! However, today's workout really put me back on the right track. I finished my workout by devoting about 10 minutes to stretching my adductors (aka my biggest lowerbody weakness). I envisioned Jean Claude Van Dam the whole time...that guy had a ridiculous combination of flexibility and speed. I am going to slowly progress things in...just like we preach at NX Level, a proper performance enhancement program has to be centered around proper progressions. Its been really hard to watch other athletes and be on this "beginner" routine. However, I can't get ahead of myself...hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Training From Zero: Day 5
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg 45 Back Ext x 3 (10, 8 2 more on left leg)
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ Single Leg Hip Thruster 2x10
Glute Ham raise 3x12/ Hanging Leg Raise
3x Push Up 25 seconds/ YTW's 15 reps 10's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg 45 Back Ext x 3 (10, 8 2 more on left leg)
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ Single Leg Hip Thruster 2x10
Glute Ham raise 3x12/ Hanging Leg Raise
3x Push Up 25 seconds/ YTW's 15 reps 10's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Training From Zero: Day 3
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 15+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 12 reps 50, 60, 65
Chest Supported Row 4x12 @ 65 / Face Pull 4x12 @12
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Felt great!!
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 15+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 12 reps 50, 60, 65
Chest Supported Row 4x12 @ 65 / Face Pull 4x12 @12
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Felt great!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Training From Zero: Day 1
Training From Zero: Day 1
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 6 4 more on left leg)
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's/ Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 135,225, 245
3x Push Up 25 seconds/ Band Pull Apart w/ pelvic tilt 3x 15
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Awesome Day--I feel like I moved my body towards the right path. My focus on EVERYTHING is PERFECT POSTURE and PERFECT TEMP0. I am honing in on my pelvis and am focusing on keeping three points of contact with my feet during all exercises.
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 6 4 more on left leg)
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's/ Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 135,225, 245
3x Push Up 25 seconds/ Band Pull Apart w/ pelvic tilt 3x 15
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Awesome Day--I feel like I moved my body towards the right path. My focus on EVERYTHING is PERFECT POSTURE and PERFECT TEMP0. I am honing in on my pelvis and am focusing on keeping three points of contact with my feet during all exercises.
I see you, Troy
-I would like to direct everyone's attention to Troy Dequaine's latest blog post (@ 200poundsis200pounds), "My Manifesto." If you haven't read it, let me tell you...it's a must read. Troy is our general manager at NX Level's Waukesha location. He is a friend of mine; he is a role model. Though charming, funny and at times a very sociable lad; I personally think of Troy as an introvert. He seems to be always thinking and observing. He is always reading a book...and not just about strength training; he likes reading about "things" of substance. Troy never sugar coats shit--I don't know if I'm like that; but I respect that in him. Troy is accountable. Troy is responsible. Troy has been through a thing or two. Troy trains hard. Troy works hard. Troy stomps his feet before a big deadlift. Troy is strong of body. Troy is strong of mind. Most importantly, Troy knows who Troy is. That is something to be valued.
"It's never crowded along the extra mile"- Dwyer
-Sunday's Secret to Success: Stay Late
-Congratulations to Jake Bodi on his big marks at the Arnold Classic Strongman Competition
-Congratulations to Jake Bodi on his big marks at the Arnold Classic Strongman Competition
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Inside Out: Training From Zero
This Monday I did some acceleration work because I was jacked about the nfl combine and Taylor Mays' stunning 40 yard dash. Awhile back Troy wrote about some huge strongman dude that he wanted to be like...and to be honest I'm not going to hate on that post because I want to be a freak like Taylor Mays...
I gotta marry for genetics and just someday create an athlete in his liking. This guy is 230 with about 5% body fat, reps 225 about 25 times, runs a 4.2ish 40 and jumps over 40 inches. I want to be that kind of freakish athlete & so I do all of the "cool training" they do...you know crazy plyometrics, lifting just to kill weight regardless of technique, and as Nic Hansen jokes, "I do acceleration work on my recovery days."
I've become so infatuated with the glamorous movements and methods that I've really reached that point where I feel like where I am at can't get any better without making a big change. Well this week I was squatting and basically months of training like a mad men finally took its toll and my lower back "gave out"...I've pretty much come to the realization that I dont practice what I preach. I had Matt Gibbons of Sport and Spine take a look at me and just like I knew he told me I had a pretty severe leg length discrepancy due to my pelvic tilt...that pelvis area has really been a focus of mine when thinking about sports performance lately. Back in the late summer and early fall, I was training and also really preaching to my athletes about the importance of being able to stay tight in their abdominal wall...as an athlete I've gotten away from that... I told Troy that my style of trainig is something I would never really prescribe to an athlete. My training program is much like a birthday cake made by a five year old...there is so many sprinkles and so much damn frosting that it really has taken away from the cake itself.
My goal is to change that. I created a needs analysis to address these dificiencies:
#1 Improve mobility and strength of my thoracic spine
a. daily mobility and soft tissue work
#2 Improve flexibility and mobility in adductors, ankles, and hip flexors
a. daily mobility and soft tissue work and flexibility
#3 Create a stronger anterior chain (low abs are a huge weak point)
a. daily lower ab strengthening exercises (isometrics, etc.)
#4 Strengthen posterior chain
a. 3 days a week, Troy recommended a Hard, light, and medium day...with that I will have to swallow my pride with my squatting and single leg/ quad dominant work
#5 Body Fat Reduction
a. I've been saying for the past 3 years that I would like to get my body fat down to the 5 to 8 percent area...my goal is to be at 6% by May 11th...paleo diet and discipline!
I'm calling this project: Training From Zero. I am thinking along the lines that, if I were an athlete molded from the ground on up, what would I first try to accomplish...my foundation has got to be mobility, flexibility, and something I would like to call "specific -long term -postural strength". I will spend a solid 3 to 6 weeks minimum building this base....I just have to be patient and will have to try and stay away from the glitzy training I love.


I've become so infatuated with the glamorous movements and methods that I've really reached that point where I feel like where I am at can't get any better without making a big change. Well this week I was squatting and basically months of training like a mad men finally took its toll and my lower back "gave out"...I've pretty much come to the realization that I dont practice what I preach. I had Matt Gibbons of Sport and Spine take a look at me and just like I knew he told me I had a pretty severe leg length discrepancy due to my pelvic tilt...that pelvis area has really been a focus of mine when thinking about sports performance lately. Back in the late summer and early fall, I was training and also really preaching to my athletes about the importance of being able to stay tight in their abdominal wall...as an athlete I've gotten away from that... I told Troy that my style of trainig is something I would never really prescribe to an athlete. My training program is much like a birthday cake made by a five year old...there is so many sprinkles and so much damn frosting that it really has taken away from the cake itself.
My goal is to change that. I created a needs analysis to address these dificiencies:
#1 Improve mobility and strength of my thoracic spine
a. daily mobility and soft tissue work
#2 Improve flexibility and mobility in adductors, ankles, and hip flexors
a. daily mobility and soft tissue work and flexibility
#3 Create a stronger anterior chain (low abs are a huge weak point)
a. daily lower ab strengthening exercises (isometrics, etc.)
#4 Strengthen posterior chain
a. 3 days a week, Troy recommended a Hard, light, and medium day...with that I will have to swallow my pride with my squatting and single leg/ quad dominant work
#5 Body Fat Reduction
a. I've been saying for the past 3 years that I would like to get my body fat down to the 5 to 8 percent area...my goal is to be at 6% by May 11th...paleo diet and discipline!
I'm calling this project: Training From Zero. I am thinking along the lines that, if I were an athlete molded from the ground on up, what would I first try to accomplish...my foundation has got to be mobility, flexibility, and something I would like to call "specific -long term -postural strength". I will spend a solid 3 to 6 weeks minimum building this base....I just have to be patient and will have to try and stay away from the glitzy training I love.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Random Person of the week

Random Person of the week-- Bono from U2!
I know this guy is a big activist for world peace...one bad ass dude....here are some cool quotes!
"There is a root arrogance in any writer; a hugely arrogant assumption that anyone is going to listen to them."
"Perspective is the cure for depression."
"I do understand that singing about peace, love and understanding right now will lead to a certain f***-off factor."
"Being one can be great, but respecting differences can be greater."
Music is the language of the spirit anyway. Its first function is praise to creation -- praise to the beauty of the woman lying next to you, or the woman you would like to lie next to you."
"Innocence is much more powerful than experience.
"You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do."
"The truth is that you are many people at the same time and you don't have to choose. It's like Edge describes me - as a bunch of nice guys"
"One must be political at times, but sometimes you have to look beyond that, to just the state of the human spirit."
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday Training
Stick and Vibration and ankles
Accel Warm Up/ Ground based mobility and activation
quick stretch
Quick to ankling to high knee x 3 x 15 yards
Runner machine/accel wall
Acceleration Drag 15 yards/ 2pt sprint 10 yards x 6
Sumo Pull 3x8,6,6 154,205,255
RFESS barbell 3x 8 @ 95,125, 145
45 Glute Ext 3x12 @25,50,60/ 1 Leg Slideboard Leg curl 2x8
Low abs
Saturday Training
Stick and Vibration and ankles
NX Level Wup (xtra mobility drills)
quick stretch
single leg barbell hip thrust x 8/lunge series
rope chopsx 7/ snatch complex bar 10, green, yellow
Line Hops and box taps 6 x 10 second variations
Chin Up 5x 5@25, 4@50, 3 @75, 2 @ 100, 1@120 1 x max @ 35
Vested Barbell Push Up 3x30 seconds /Lat Pulldown 3x10 heavy
Band Piston Pushdown 3x12/Swimmer Complex 2x15 w/2.5
Woodway 15 second sprint/Slideboard lunge 6x w/5's/ sprinter or spread eagle
Stick and Vibration and ankles
Accel Warm Up/ Ground based mobility and activation
quick stretch
Quick to ankling to high knee x 3 x 15 yards
Runner machine/accel wall
Acceleration Drag 15 yards/ 2pt sprint 10 yards x 6
Sumo Pull 3x8,6,6 154,205,255
RFESS barbell 3x 8 @ 95,125, 145
45 Glute Ext 3x12 @25,50,60/ 1 Leg Slideboard Leg curl 2x8
Low abs
Saturday Training
Stick and Vibration and ankles
NX Level Wup (xtra mobility drills)
quick stretch
single leg barbell hip thrust x 8/lunge series
rope chopsx 7/ snatch complex bar 10, green, yellow
Line Hops and box taps 6 x 10 second variations
Chin Up 5x 5@25, 4@50, 3 @75, 2 @ 100, 1@120 1 x max @ 35
Vested Barbell Push Up 3x30 seconds /Lat Pulldown 3x10 heavy
Band Piston Pushdown 3x12/Swimmer Complex 2x15 w/2.5
Woodway 15 second sprint/Slideboard lunge 6x w/5's/ sprinter or spread eagle
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Stick and Vibration
NX Full Warm Up (Dynamic, ground based/activation, lunge matrix, rev hyper 2x10 @4,8)
Quick stretch/ankles
Lo to hi 8, 7/Clean Complex bar +10/greens
Hang Clean 4x4 @ 154, 176, 199, 221
DB Bench 3x 5+ @ 60,80, 100 (9)
Ladder Drills & Quick Decel star drill x 1 (10 minutes of work)
Inverted Row 4x 10,10, 8, 8 / Face Pull w/ external rotation 4x12 (abs 10 reps leg raise, 20 reps ball sit up)
2x12 Front Raise/ 2x 20 Band Pull Apart
Gun show than Pallof Press
NX Full Warm Up (Dynamic, ground based/activation, lunge matrix, rev hyper 2x10 @4,8)
Quick stretch/ankles
Lo to hi 8, 7/Clean Complex bar +10/greens
Hang Clean 4x4 @ 154, 176, 199, 221
DB Bench 3x 5+ @ 60,80, 100 (9)
Ladder Drills & Quick Decel star drill x 1 (10 minutes of work)
Inverted Row 4x 10,10, 8, 8 / Face Pull w/ external rotation 4x12 (abs 10 reps leg raise, 20 reps ball sit up)
2x12 Front Raise/ 2x 20 Band Pull Apart
Gun show than Pallof Press
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Stick Roll and vibration
Acceleration Warm-Up
Ground Based Mobility and Activation
Box Jumps upto 48 inches
Back Squat (really poor technique) 5x135, 3x225, 1x295, 1x345, 1x405, 1x450 on to 30
Quick Accel: 4x Lunge to Rope Pulldown/ Accel Wall / Prowler/ Get Up sprint
Natural Glute Ham Raise 3x6 @ bw,25,25/
Core Chops and Hip Flexor Pullins
Starting the Paleo Diet @ 207...toooo much talk about it from hansen and dequaine...
Day 1 down...lets see if I am truly disciplined enough to keep processed foods out of my mouth (btw I am still taking pre and post workout shakes with some maltodextrin/dextrose : )...)...this is me typing a day later...it is damn near impossible to feel full without a little insulin spike and monetarily im afraid this will be a pain in the rear
Acceleration Warm-Up
Ground Based Mobility and Activation
Box Jumps upto 48 inches
Back Squat (really poor technique) 5x135, 3x225, 1x295, 1x345, 1x405, 1x450 on to 30
Quick Accel: 4x Lunge to Rope Pulldown/ Accel Wall / Prowler/ Get Up sprint
Natural Glute Ham Raise 3x6 @ bw,25,25/
Core Chops and Hip Flexor Pullins
Starting the Paleo Diet @ 207...toooo much talk about it from hansen and dequaine...
Day 1 down...lets see if I am truly disciplined enough to keep processed foods out of my mouth (btw I am still taking pre and post workout shakes with some maltodextrin/dextrose : )...)...this is me typing a day later...it is damn near impossible to feel full without a little insulin spike and monetarily im afraid this will be a pain in the rear
Friday, February 19, 2010
Weekend Update
"Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion."
Training Recap
Friday Off
Eliptical 10 min
Abs 300 reps (big focus on my lower abs)
Vested Inverted Row 3x15/ Low Face Pull 3x12-15/ Rev Hyper 3x10/ Rope Chop Variant3x8
4x 2 min. Mobility Drills/ 4x Force Treadmill sprint 10 seconds (awesome piece of equipment)
Just created a new youtube page which can be found under NXLevel1...awesome shots of our NFL hopeful and all around great guy Chris Maragos...you can also check out videos of myself and our trainers which I will be uploading under the favorites section of the page.
Training Recap
Friday Off
Eliptical 10 min
Abs 300 reps (big focus on my lower abs)
Vested Inverted Row 3x15/ Low Face Pull 3x12-15/ Rev Hyper 3x10/ Rope Chop Variant3x8
4x 2 min. Mobility Drills/ 4x Force Treadmill sprint 10 seconds (awesome piece of equipment)
Just created a new youtube page which can be found under NXLevel1...awesome shots of our NFL hopeful and all around great guy Chris Maragos...you can also check out videos of myself and our trainers which I will be uploading under the favorites section of the page.
“The greatest prayer is patience”- Buddha
I had a conversation with Someone Important tonight and it reminded me of a particular virtue...I think virtues will be a hot topic for me down the road...If you are alive and breathing you surely have practiced patience at one point or another in your life. I am a patient person, unfortunately sometimes I am not patient for a long enough time...Doesn't that make me impatient : )??? We sometimes find ourselves in an uncomfortable or frustrating situation and we just want out. This is a lot like being 90 seconds into a plank hold or tightening up in the 4th set of 60 yard sprints. Really digest that previous scenario. Think about the extreme discomfort you felt and actually put yourself their now...its easy to give yourself to much credit, but believe me when I say that if you can find me someone who hasn't quit early, I will surely pray to him at night. I have made myself victim at one point or another to the "It won't hurt me" or "I shouldn't feel to uncomfortable" type of mentality. I'm telling you that willingness to give in didn't make me better, it has only made me worse. Be patient, sacrifice a little to gain a lot. If it means falling or cramping up than do it, push through the frustration or the uncomfortable...you will thank yourself later. I'm challenging you, I'm challenging myself to be patient, to keep holding on and to keep churning those legs.
“Patience can't be acquired overnight. It is just like building up a muscle. Every day you need to work on it.” -Eknath Easwaran
-As for goals, I don't set myself those anymore. I'm not one of these 'I must have achieved this and that by next year' kind of writers. I take things as they come and find that patience and persistence tend to win out in the end.
Paul Kane
Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.” Rashaski
“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”
Buddhist Proverb
“Patience can conquer destiny”- Irish proverb
“Patience is the companion of wisdom.”-Saint Augustin
“He that can have Patience, can have what he will”-Benjamin Franklin
Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength”
-Edward G. Bulwer-Lytto
There art two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness
-Franz Kafka
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent.-Isaac Newton
All men commend patience, although few are willing to practice it.
Thomas Kempis
“Patience can't be acquired overnight. It is just like building up a muscle. Every day you need to work on it.” -Eknath Easwaran
-As for goals, I don't set myself those anymore. I'm not one of these 'I must have achieved this and that by next year' kind of writers. I take things as they come and find that patience and persistence tend to win out in the end.
Paul Kane
Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.” Rashaski
“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”
Buddhist Proverb
“Patience can conquer destiny”- Irish proverb
“Patience is the companion of wisdom.”-Saint Augustin
“He that can have Patience, can have what he will”-Benjamin Franklin
Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength”
-Edward G. Bulwer-Lytto
There art two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness
-Franz Kafka
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent.-Isaac Newton
All men commend patience, although few are willing to practice it.
Thomas Kempis
Thursday, February 18, 2010
NX Warm Up
Ground Based Mobility and Activation
Ladder Footspeed 2 min.
KB Swing 6 @ 60, 80,90 (dont like these) / Broad jump x 3 (best of 9'7 in shit shoes)
Deadlift up to 3x3 @ 383/ DB Jump Squat 3x6 60,40,20
Chin 4x 5 @ 35, 3 @ 70, 3 @105, 1x12 @ 45
Step Up 2x5,185,225/ Power Skip 15 yards
Prowler Hi 15/140/ lo/90 x 2
NX Warm Up
Ground Based Mobility and Activation
Ladder Footspeed 2 min.
KB Swing 6 @ 60, 80,90 (dont like these) / Broad jump x 3 (best of 9'7 in shit shoes)
Deadlift up to 3x3 @ 383/ DB Jump Squat 3x6 60,40,20
Chin 4x 5 @ 35, 3 @ 70, 3 @105, 1x12 @ 45
Step Up 2x5,185,225/ Power Skip 15 yards
Prowler Hi 15/140/ lo/90 x 2
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tuesday Training
Stick and Vibration
2x35 barefoot strides & ankle bands
Dynamic Warm-Up
Ground based Mobility and Activation
Neuro Drills
Bare foot 5/10 & 5/15
Straight leg bound and box hip lift x 2/
standing 20, 30, 40
Chain Bench 2x6@105,155, 3x4@210, 185, 210 /DB Push Press @ 40's 60's 70's / Medball throw x 8
Chest Supported Row 4x8 @ 70 /Band PullApart 4x15/ Strt Leg Hanging Leg Raise 4x10
DB Fly 2x10/ DB Shrug 2x12/ Decline Plate Sit Up 2x15
Eliptical 16 minutes
Abs 300 reps
Stick and stretch...knee to knee stretch a must do
Tuesday Training
Stick and Vibration
2x35 barefoot strides & ankle bands
Dynamic Warm-Up
Ground based Mobility and Activation
Neuro Drills
Bare foot 5/10 & 5/15
Straight leg bound and box hip lift x 2/
standing 20, 30, 40
Chain Bench 2x6@105,155, 3x4@210, 185, 210 /DB Push Press @ 40's 60's 70's / Medball throw x 8
Chest Supported Row 4x8 @ 70 /Band PullApart 4x15/ Strt Leg Hanging Leg Raise 4x10
DB Fly 2x10/ DB Shrug 2x12/ Decline Plate Sit Up 2x15
Eliptical 16 minutes
Abs 300 reps
Stick and stretch...knee to knee stretch a must do
Monday, February 15, 2010
True merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes."
Though I don't like to admit it...On the rare occasion I feel a little worn down, and tonight was one of those nights. I was tired, a little crabby, and than I got to listen to the words of Jason Roe...to make a long story short I was humbled-- in most every case someone has done more than you, someone has experienced worse, and someone has grinded harder. I think, although sometimes a bit frustrating, it is good to have people around you who can humble you with their knowledge and experience. I'm surrounded by family, friends, and co-workers that when I think hard enough; can humble me in some way, shape, or form. J made this quote seem most relevant," True merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes." ~Edward Frederick Halifax
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Neural overdrive and complexing
Stick Roll and vibration
Acceleration Warm-Up
Ground Based Mobility and Activation
Chain Box Squat (4 chains) 2x6 @205 & 315, 3x4 @ 355/:45 Seated Box Jump x 3 w/2vests on to 30 :45/ 5 hurdle hops to stick rest 3 min...
Quick Accel: 4x Lunge to Rope Pulldown/ Accel Wall / Prowler/ Get Up sprint
Glute Ham Raise 3x6 @ 45,55,65
Core Chops and Hip Flexor Pullins
Acceleration Warm-Up
Ground Based Mobility and Activation
Chain Box Squat (4 chains) 2x6 @205 & 315, 3x4 @ 355/:45 Seated Box Jump x 3 w/2vests on to 30 :45/ 5 hurdle hops to stick rest 3 min...
Quick Accel: 4x Lunge to Rope Pulldown/ Accel Wall / Prowler/ Get Up sprint
Glute Ham Raise 3x6 @ 45,55,65
Core Chops and Hip Flexor Pullins
Sunday Secret to Success # 3 and Morning Prayer
For those of you who are not followers, interpret these words as words of wisdom rather than religion.
2 Corinthians 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong"
I like this passage because I can relate it to my life and most likely your life as well. Weakness, thats a word nobody ever wants to associate with themselves (especially in this business). Whether it be your weak points as an athlete or as a human being, sometimes we are afraid to recognize those chinks in our armour. I'm trying to challenge myself (and maybe you) to accept those weaknesses and try and change them...and if you cant than learn to be the better for them. I have two weaknesses that come to mind...as an athlete I have mobility and tightness problems all over my body that I kind of shied away from because I was getting sick of putting in so much work for only a little bit of a reward...sometimes you have to bite the bullet and take a step back in order to take two steps forward. For instance, I liked to box squat as much weight as possible...but for some reason I could never correctly do it. Troy assessed one of my weakpoints in the tightness of my adductors, so I took a step back worked on flexibility and squatted with less weight (and boom my squat went up). On the flipside, I can sometimes be too competitive and maybe even a jealous person. I'm trying to abolish those traits...I guess only me and one other "being" will know when they are gone.
#3 Obey those who are older and wiser
2 Corinthians 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong"
I like this passage because I can relate it to my life and most likely your life as well. Weakness, thats a word nobody ever wants to associate with themselves (especially in this business). Whether it be your weak points as an athlete or as a human being, sometimes we are afraid to recognize those chinks in our armour. I'm trying to challenge myself (and maybe you) to accept those weaknesses and try and change them...and if you cant than learn to be the better for them. I have two weaknesses that come to mind...as an athlete I have mobility and tightness problems all over my body that I kind of shied away from because I was getting sick of putting in so much work for only a little bit of a reward...sometimes you have to bite the bullet and take a step back in order to take two steps forward. For instance, I liked to box squat as much weight as possible...but for some reason I could never correctly do it. Troy assessed one of my weakpoints in the tightness of my adductors, so I took a step back worked on flexibility and squatted with less weight (and boom my squat went up). On the flipside, I can sometimes be too competitive and maybe even a jealous person. I'm trying to abolish those traits...I guess only me and one other "being" will know when they are gone.
#3 Obey those who are older and wiser
Weekend Update
1st session with Lindy, our Massage and Acupuncture extrordinair!!!! She worked my traps, erectors, levator scaps, sternocleidomastoids,coracobrachialis and more...basically I'm just a flat out ball of tightness throughout my torso...she performed some accupuncture with electro therapy and than I got a deep tissue massage..I thoroughly recommend you see her and get work done asap
vibration and stick
nx level warm up and mobility drills/ activation
chop series/ reverse hypers/ glute ham raises
ladder drills/backwards runs, etc
Vested pushup 3x 20 seconds/ Band Chin Up Pulldowns 3 x 20
Light guns...cant remember if i did any abs
stick and stretch
eliptical 15 min. (i love our eliptical)
abs 10x15
stick and stretch
trap therapy
off...starting back up a strength-speed complex ala bulgarian block method tommorrow
1st session with Lindy, our Massage and Acupuncture extrordinair!!!! She worked my traps, erectors, levator scaps, sternocleidomastoids,coracobrachialis and more...basically I'm just a flat out ball of tightness throughout my torso...she performed some accupuncture with electro therapy and than I got a deep tissue massage..I thoroughly recommend you see her and get work done asap
vibration and stick
nx level warm up and mobility drills/ activation
chop series/ reverse hypers/ glute ham raises
ladder drills/backwards runs, etc
Vested pushup 3x 20 seconds/ Band Chin Up Pulldowns 3 x 20
Light guns...cant remember if i did any abs
stick and stretch
eliptical 15 min. (i love our eliptical)
abs 10x15
stick and stretch
trap therapy
off...starting back up a strength-speed complex ala bulgarian block method tommorrow
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Life Explained
Great story my mom forwarded me from my Uncle Rich Schroedle
A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist
complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and
asked how long it took him to catch them..
"Not very long," answered the Mexican.
"But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American.
The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his
needs and those of his family.
The American asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"
"I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta
with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my
friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs. I
have a full life."
The American interrupted, "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help
you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell
the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger
"And after that?" asked the Mexican.
"With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second
one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of
trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then
negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your
own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico
City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct
your huge new enterprise."
"How long would that take?" asked the Mexican.
"Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years," replied the American.
"And after that?"
"Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting,"
answered the American, laughing. "When your business gets really big,
you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!"
"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the Mexican.
"After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the
coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a
siesta with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying
your friends."
And the moral of this story is: ......... Know where you're going in
life... you may already be there.
A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist
complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and
asked how long it took him to catch them..
"Not very long," answered the Mexican.
"But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American.
The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his
needs and those of his family.
The American asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"
"I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta
with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my
friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs. I
have a full life."
The American interrupted, "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help
you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell
the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger
"And after that?" asked the Mexican.
"With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second
one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of
trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then
negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your
own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico
City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct
your huge new enterprise."
"How long would that take?" asked the Mexican.
"Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years," replied the American.
"And after that?"
"Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting,"
answered the American, laughing. "When your business gets really big,
you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!"
"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the Mexican.
"After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the
coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a
siesta with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying
your friends."
And the moral of this story is: ......... Know where you're going in
life... you may already be there.
Tuesday Workout
Stick and Vibration
Lateral Ladder/ NX Warm Up + mobility drills
2x reverse hyper 10/ slideboard lunge series w/5's
lo to hi 8,7 #7,11/clean complex and snatch complex w/ greens
ladder drills, deceleration and change of direction, back pedals
Box Squat 2x5 @135, 225
Medball Throws x 5 (bwd, horizontal push, fwd granny, squat jump throw, overhead slam)
2 x Pin pull from single leg squat 10 sec./ Band Row 2x20
Single leg Leg Curl (emphasis on slow eccentric) 2x12 45/DB shrug 120lb x12/ YTW 10lb x 10
Band Pushdown 2x20/ Barbell Curl 2x 10 (done in the rack, no one was looking)
Barefoot Strides x 4 and 1x20 Straight leg raise
Stick and Vibration
Lateral Ladder/ NX Warm Up + mobility drills
2x reverse hyper 10/ slideboard lunge series w/5's
lo to hi 8,7 #7,11/clean complex and snatch complex w/ greens
ladder drills, deceleration and change of direction, back pedals
Box Squat 2x5 @135, 225
Medball Throws x 5 (bwd, horizontal push, fwd granny, squat jump throw, overhead slam)
2 x Pin pull from single leg squat 10 sec./ Band Row 2x20
Single leg Leg Curl (emphasis on slow eccentric) 2x12 45/DB shrug 120lb x12/ YTW 10lb x 10
Band Pushdown 2x20/ Barbell Curl 2x 10 (done in the rack, no one was looking)
Barefoot Strides x 4 and 1x20 Straight leg raise
Monday, February 8, 2010
De-Load Week
Eliptical 15 min.
Abs 10x15 (150 reps)
Mobility Drills (a shitload)
Stick Roll and Stretch
Eliptical 15 min.
Abs 10x15 (150 reps)
Mobility Drills (a shitload)
Stick Roll and Stretch
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Failing...but so much more resilient from it!
I think we've all heard that familiar Apollo 13 quote, "Failure is not an option." Though the context was a matter of a life and death situation, that famous quote has been popularized and taken quite literally as a mantra for many success driven people. Screw that, I say! To often we want to be blind to the idea of failing. What a boring life? I'm looking back at things like my football career, girls, school, many situations...the list goes on and on. Things didn't quite turn out the way I had wanted or imagined, but I know that I am where I am supposed to be at this very moment because of what I did or didn't do. I am responsible for me, for where I am at. I don't want failure (like my car failing this morning) nor do I necessarily welcome it. However, we all need to realize that with those unhappy moments in which we are frustrated a bit or have strong feelings of discomfort, we will inevitably LEARN and improve. When the time comes and you stumble or slip, bounce back. Learn to embrace those failures, big or small, and I guarantee you will be happier and find that you are a stronger, more resilient person.
I leave you with two quotes that equally swallowed me whole:
"There are no failures – just experiences and your reactions to them"
"A man may fall many times, but he won’t be a failure until he says that someone pushed him."
I leave you with two quotes that equally swallowed me whole:
"There are no failures – just experiences and your reactions to them"
"A man may fall many times, but he won’t be a failure until he says that someone pushed him."
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Recovery/ General Strength
Jump Rope 2 minutes/ elliptical 2min
(Push Up 30, Press x 15)/ (Chin x20, Pull Up 15)/ (Upper back Band Pull 20, Swimmer 10)/ (Hamstring SLRDL w/cable, Rev Hyper 15)/Rope Chop x 2
Gun Show and Shoulders (quick pump)
Mobility Drills (every drill you could imagine)
Stick WRRRolll and quick stretch
Recovery/ General Strength
Jump Rope 2 minutes/ elliptical 2min
(Push Up 30, Press x 15)/ (Chin x20, Pull Up 15)/ (Upper back Band Pull 20, Swimmer 10)/ (Hamstring SLRDL w/cable, Rev Hyper 15)/Rope Chop x 2
Gun Show and Shoulders (quick pump)
Mobility Drills (every drill you could imagine)
Stick WRRRolll and quick stretch
Friday, February 5, 2010
stick and vibration
Accel Warm Up
Ground based mobility and activation (runner/rope)
Badger Neuro/Accell Wall/Fast arms
Walk to 15 yard sprint, 30m sprint (3.9+... :( )
3 bound hops x 3 (31 feet)
Sled Sprint 3x25 yards @50,25,10 lbs
Free Sprint 30y, 20y, 10y
Hang Snatch 4x 4,2,1,1 @ 95, 137, 163x2
Hang Clean 2x4,2,@ 199,226...felt really fatigued so called it off
stick and vibration
Accel Warm Up
Ground based mobility and activation (runner/rope)
Badger Neuro/Accell Wall/Fast arms
Walk to 15 yard sprint, 30m sprint (3.9+... :( )
3 bound hops x 3 (31 feet)
Sled Sprint 3x25 yards @50,25,10 lbs
Free Sprint 30y, 20y, 10y
Hang Snatch 4x 4,2,1,1 @ 95, 137, 163x2
Hang Clean 2x4,2,@ 199,226...felt really fatigued so called it off
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Long day...grinding away
Eliptical 14 minutes
Abs 10x25
Stick Roll and maybe some mobility and flexibility
Had a 15 hour day at the gym with about 10+ being with clients...didn't want to finish my night with anything but a carbohydrate crash...but I knew their had to be someone out their in my same shoes...I just wanted to make sure they didn't pass me by...
“He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry that they dare not realise.”
Oscar Wilde quotes
Abs 10x25
Stick Roll and maybe some mobility and flexibility
Had a 15 hour day at the gym with about 10+ being with clients...didn't want to finish my night with anything but a carbohydrate crash...but I knew their had to be someone out their in my same shoes...I just wanted to make sure they didn't pass me by...
“He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry that they dare not realise.”
Oscar Wilde quotes
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Milestone Vertical Jump- 36"
Stick and Vibration
NX Level Warm Up and ladder drills
Vertical Jumps x 5 32.5,33.5,35.5, 36"
Chain Box Squat w/3 chains 225x3, 315x3,365x3, 405x3 (Thanks Jake)
Speed Pulls 3/ Snatch Grip Shrug 3 263-345 6x1
DB Swings 1x12 & 1 leg Slide Board Leg Curl x 8
(5min shit bag, Face Pulls, YTW's, shrugs, arms)
Today's workout was a real feel good for me. I don't know if I can honestly say I would ever thought I would've jumped this high. Just coming into the workout I felt really good. It's funny now that I'm looking back, I think I'm going to write down everything I did before hand (including helping Jake unload boxes) and include it as part of my new pre-workout routine. My first jump was about 33 inches and right from their I hit about a 34 plus on my second jump, low and behold the 4th one yielded 36". I will share no more secrets...expect my vertical jump e-book to come out soon...psych!
Stick and Vibration
NX Level Warm Up and ladder drills
Vertical Jumps x 5 32.5,33.5,35.5, 36"
Chain Box Squat w/3 chains 225x3, 315x3,365x3, 405x3 (Thanks Jake)
Speed Pulls 3/ Snatch Grip Shrug 3 263-345 6x1
DB Swings 1x12 & 1 leg Slide Board Leg Curl x 8
(5min shit bag, Face Pulls, YTW's, shrugs, arms)
Today's workout was a real feel good for me. I don't know if I can honestly say I would ever thought I would've jumped this high. Just coming into the workout I felt really good. It's funny now that I'm looking back, I think I'm going to write down everything I did before hand (including helping Jake unload boxes) and include it as part of my new pre-workout routine. My first jump was about 33 inches and right from their I hit about a 34 plus on my second jump, low and behold the 4th one yielded 36". I will share no more secrets...expect my vertical jump e-book to come out soon...psych!
AdvoCare--The link to a faster, stronger and more recovered you!
Fella’s- About three days ago, Brad approached me with a sales pitch that would allow me to supplement my lack of cash flow by selling supplements for a company called AdvoCare. AdvoCare stands alone in respect to their guarantee of quality and results. They are backed by handfuls of top level strength and conditioning coaches (John Dettman of the University of Wisconsin, Jerry Schmidt…who was Adrian Petersen’s coach at the University of Oklahoma, and Eric Lichter who is Ohio State’s Football strength coach, etc.), athletes (Drew Brees, Wes Welker, Thomas and Julius Jones) and a world renowned kinesiologist (William Kraemer, for you young geniuses that’s a guy who knows a shit ton about the body)… the list goes on and on. The amazing thing about those aforementioned dudes is that none of them get paid to endorse the company. They are advocates of the products because they know they work and produce results. The quality of the brand and the products is hands down above and beyond any other. Aside from the possibility of making money, the reason I am confident in undertaking this opportunity is that I know the quality is unmatched by most everything out in today's market. AdvoCare tests each products quality and ensures each of their products pureness through an agency in the U.K. that used to belong to W.A.D.A (World Anti Doping Agency).
I will begin taking these supplements as soon as I get my first bulk order. I know you guys train like me and being that I was an athlete (give me credit I still am haha) this shit will help your strength, speed, and most importantly your recovery between workouts. As I alluded to before we are going to be fading the Champion line out and selling AdvoCare products at NX Level; Brad has been nice enough to let us have free reigns and dibs in hooking you guys up with these unreal products. Think about this: If you want to put your body through the best method of training, won't you also need the best nutrition and supplementation to match that?
Included below are a couple of steps to take if you are interested in obtaining great results in your strength and speed numbers:
1. Hit up my blogspot…http://giffmestrength.blogspot.com/ and click on my AdvoCare link or just go to https://www.advocare.com/1002849/LogIn.aspx?restricted=Y&ReturnURL=/Microsite/Office/default.aspx
2. Check Out what I would recommend as must haves for you performance athletes:
a. Catalyst – Contains Amino Acids and body fat destroyer’s used by U.S.A. ’96 Wrestling team…these guys recovered like no other
b. AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink—Pre-Workout drink that’s has absolutely no bloat and actually provides you with sustainable energy
c. AdvoCare Muscle Fuel—pre workout with proprietary blend of creatine and d-ribose, etc…
d. Post Workout Recovery—Used after your done working out you meatheads…protein, maltodextrin carbohydrate
e. Meal Replacements—In between classes or right before lifts
f. Arginine Recovery—L-Leucine and L-Arginine two of the most crucial amino acids that will put your body in an anabolic state
g. Night time Recovery—knocks you out and aids in your sleep cycle and recovery
3. Shop away & obtain results fast
Regardless of your choice, hit me up on the fbook and keep working your tails off men!
I will begin taking these supplements as soon as I get my first bulk order. I know you guys train like me and being that I was an athlete (give me credit I still am haha) this shit will help your strength, speed, and most importantly your recovery between workouts. As I alluded to before we are going to be fading the Champion line out and selling AdvoCare products at NX Level; Brad has been nice enough to let us have free reigns and dibs in hooking you guys up with these unreal products. Think about this: If you want to put your body through the best method of training, won't you also need the best nutrition and supplementation to match that?
Included below are a couple of steps to take if you are interested in obtaining great results in your strength and speed numbers:
1. Hit up my blogspot…http://giffmestrength.blogspot.com/ and click on my AdvoCare link or just go to https://www.advocare.com/1002849/LogIn.aspx?restricted=Y&ReturnURL=/Microsite/Office/default.aspx
2. Check Out what I would recommend as must haves for you performance athletes:
a. Catalyst – Contains Amino Acids and body fat destroyer’s used by U.S.A. ’96 Wrestling team…these guys recovered like no other
b. AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink—Pre-Workout drink that’s has absolutely no bloat and actually provides you with sustainable energy
c. AdvoCare Muscle Fuel—pre workout with proprietary blend of creatine and d-ribose, etc…
d. Post Workout Recovery—Used after your done working out you meatheads…protein, maltodextrin carbohydrate
e. Meal Replacements—In between classes or right before lifts
f. Arginine Recovery—L-Leucine and L-Arginine two of the most crucial amino acids that will put your body in an anabolic state
g. Night time Recovery—knocks you out and aids in your sleep cycle and recovery
3. Shop away & obtain results fast
Regardless of your choice, hit me up on the fbook and keep working your tails off men!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Training Update
Last week of Speed-strength block
Recovery/ General Strength
Eliptical 12 min
Abs 10x26
Push/ Pullup/ Upper back/ Hamstring/Rope Chop x 2
Gun Show and Shoulders (just want to feel an Arnold like Pump)
Mobility Drills (every drill you could imagine)
Stick WRRRolll and quick stretch
Light Stick
Stick and Vibration
Accel Warm Up
Ground based mobility and activation
Plate Lift/Accel Wallx2/Neuro Series
Kneeling Barbell Jumps into squat jump 4x3
Hurdle Hops x5 into 10 yard sprint x 2
4 Bounds into 10 yard sprint x 2
2x20 yard 3pt start
5-10 agility drill x 2
DB Squat Jumps 2x5/5 30lbdbs than free
Medball throws 3x5/5 (kneeling chest throw/overhead slam)
Chain Bench 6x2 @155 (2 chainsx2, 3chains x2, 4 chains x2)/ DB Chest Supp Row 5x5 @75
Recovery/ General Strength
Eliptical 12 min
Abs 10x26
Push/ Pullup/ Upper back/ Hamstring/Rope Chop x 2
Gun Show and Shoulders (just want to feel an Arnold like Pump)
Mobility Drills (every drill you could imagine)
Stick WRRRolll and quick stretch
Light Stick
Stick and Vibration
Accel Warm Up
Ground based mobility and activation
Plate Lift/Accel Wallx2/Neuro Series
Kneeling Barbell Jumps into squat jump 4x3
Hurdle Hops x5 into 10 yard sprint x 2
4 Bounds into 10 yard sprint x 2
2x20 yard 3pt start
5-10 agility drill x 2
DB Squat Jumps 2x5/5 30lbdbs than free
Medball throws 3x5/5 (kneeling chest throw/overhead slam)
Chain Bench 6x2 @155 (2 chainsx2, 3chains x2, 4 chains x2)/ DB Chest Supp Row 5x5 @75
Day Late Sunday Secret to Success
Yeah, I know I missed the boat on this one (being that I'm a day late), but now is better than never!!!!!
"Surround yourself with people who are only going to lift you higher."-Oprah Winfrey
If you want to be successful it is crucial that you pattern yourself after those who do it best. Whether it be in your training, your social life, your spiritual life, or your career; the people you choose to hang around with usually rub off on you. Your friends, coworkers, and family bleed into your thoughts and actions. For instance, if happiness was my goal I would surround myself with people who value life, who can laugh, and who can love. If I had a goal to become stronger, I'd surround myself with athletes who lift big, have a wealth of knowledge, and train hard. The point is that although you can do a lot on your own, you sure as hell can't do everything alone. A positive environment well surely influence your success and well being. Have people in your life who you can turn to, who can make you better, and who can guide you in your journey.
"Surround yourself with people who are only going to lift you higher."-Oprah Winfrey
If you want to be successful it is crucial that you pattern yourself after those who do it best. Whether it be in your training, your social life, your spiritual life, or your career; the people you choose to hang around with usually rub off on you. Your friends, coworkers, and family bleed into your thoughts and actions. For instance, if happiness was my goal I would surround myself with people who value life, who can laugh, and who can love. If I had a goal to become stronger, I'd surround myself with athletes who lift big, have a wealth of knowledge, and train hard. The point is that although you can do a lot on your own, you sure as hell can't do everything alone. A positive environment well surely influence your success and well being. Have people in your life who you can turn to, who can make you better, and who can guide you in your journey.
Friday, January 29, 2010
And let it begin
Just did Troys gripper workout.....easy! I don't know what he's crying about...things felt like chopsticks in my hands....my tempo went like this: squeeze, squeeze 2-3-4, squeeeeeeze, squeeeeeze harder...ooops i just squeezed so hard the non pliable metal just shattered into small little fragments!!!!
“We're all given some sort of skill in life. Mine just happens to be beating up on people (like Dequaine).”
Sugar Ray Leonard/ Giff Quote
P.S.--Whats ya maja dude?????
Ima be throat choppin you at night
“We're all given some sort of skill in life. Mine just happens to be beating up on people (like Dequaine).”
Sugar Ray Leonard/ Giff Quote
P.S.--Whats ya maja dude?????
Ima be throat choppin you at night
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Work and Rest : )
stick and vibration
Accel Warm Up
Ground based mobility and activation (runner machine x 2)
Badger Neuro/Accell Wall/Fast arms
Walk to 10 yard sprint, jog 5-15
Jump 2x LLL, 2x RRR from kneeling start
3pt Sled Sprint 3x20 yards @25 lbs
15mBox 4 pt Free Sprint-bound-25m free-bound-35m free
Block Snatch 4x 4,3,2,1 @ 88, 132, 154, 163 (thanks for the tip nick)
Block Clean 4x4,3,2,1 @ 199,221, 243, 253
Work and Rest : )
stick and vibration
Accel Warm Up
Ground based mobility and activation (runner machine x 2)
Badger Neuro/Accell Wall/Fast arms
Walk to 10 yard sprint, jog 5-15
Jump 2x LLL, 2x RRR from kneeling start
3pt Sled Sprint 3x20 yards @25 lbs
15mBox 4 pt Free Sprint-bound-25m free-bound-35m free
Block Snatch 4x 4,3,2,1 @ 88, 132, 154, 163 (thanks for the tip nick)
Block Clean 4x4,3,2,1 @ 199,221, 243, 253
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Opportunity rarely knocks on your door. Knock rather on opportunity's door if you ardently wish to enter- Barry C. Forbes
Tuesday Training
Bike 6/ Elliptical 6
Abs 10x26 (260ish reps)
Stick Rolling, hip openers, stretch
Wednesday Training
Vibration and Stick
NX Dynamic Warm Up and Ground Based mobility/activation
Lateral Ladder Drills
Trap Bar Deadlift up to 3x5 @ 325,375,415
Broad Jump x5 9+
Banded Speed Squats 6x2 225
Rev Hyper 4x12/Hip Flexor Pullin and Ab Turns
Prowler 4x15 yards @160
5 min shitbag circuit (ytws, face pulls, arms,etc.)
Tuesday Training
Bike 6/ Elliptical 6
Abs 10x26 (260ish reps)
Stick Rolling, hip openers, stretch
Wednesday Training
Vibration and Stick
NX Dynamic Warm Up and Ground Based mobility/activation
Lateral Ladder Drills
Trap Bar Deadlift up to 3x5 @ 325,375,415
Broad Jump x5 9+
Banded Speed Squats 6x2 225
Rev Hyper 4x12/Hip Flexor Pullin and Ab Turns
Prowler 4x15 yards @160
5 min shitbag circuit (ytws, face pulls, arms,etc.)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Monday Training
Accel Warm-Up
Ground based mobility and activation/ Runner Machine
Box Taps 2x10 seconds
Accel Wall Drill/ Fast arms x 2
Power Skip 2x15 yards, Hurdle Hop to Sprint 2x5/sprint 10
6x 5 yard frequency into 5-10 yard sprint Ickey x 2, Quick x 2 Ankling x 1, High Kneex1
Lateral Accel bound x2
Medball Throws 2 x 10 chest pass/overhead toss
Vested Jump Squat w/ DB's 20's 6/4 free x 3
Chain Incline Bench 5x3 (2 chains@135)/ Barbell Row 5x5(155-185)
Accel Warm-Up
Ground based mobility and activation/ Runner Machine
Box Taps 2x10 seconds
Accel Wall Drill/ Fast arms x 2
Power Skip 2x15 yards, Hurdle Hop to Sprint 2x5/sprint 10
6x 5 yard frequency into 5-10 yard sprint Ickey x 2, Quick x 2 Ankling x 1, High Kneex1
Lateral Accel bound x2
Medball Throws 2 x 10 chest pass/overhead toss
Vested Jump Squat w/ DB's 20's 6/4 free x 3
Chain Incline Bench 5x3 (2 chains@135)/ Barbell Row 5x5(155-185)
Sunday's Secret to Success-- 1. Do one more
Sometimes I feel like, maybe even we feel like, we are always just one spot, one play, one decision, one action, or one moment away from achieving the goals we set. Today I stumbled across an old bin that housed old football memories and keep sakes...I found a handout, titled "Secrets to Success", that was given to me by my seventh grade football coach, Tim Paulson. The number one secret or principle was "Do one more." Your habits dictate whether or not you attain those goals you set for yourself. Make it a habit to be proactive and "do one more!"
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Fire and Wood
Accel Warm Up
Ground based mobility and activation
Neuro series + 3 broad jumps
Accel wall/ Fast arms x2
4x20 yard sled sprint, 2x30 yard free sprint
Power Snatch (with 2 mats)4x3 @ 88, 110,132,154
Power Clean/Pull (with 2 mats) 4x3 @ 199,221,2x243
Recovery/ General Strength
Eliptical 10 min
Push/ Pullup/ Upper back/ Hamstring x 3
Abs...approximately 100 reps of decline sit-ups, hanging leg raises, and straight leg sit-ups
Mobility Drills (every drill you could imagine)
Stick WRRRolll
My mangina came out (to the point were tissues were laid on the platform) during my cleans...arm was numb so i couldn't catch my last two sets...all in all I'm going back to the old school recovery method...I have always been the type of athlete who feels like a million bucks when he's rested, but also loses his legs with in days of high volume...I think I'm a mixture of the good old fashion " fire and wood athlete"...for more on that check out this interesting article http://mikedemeter.com/articles/5%20Elements%20-%20Poliquin.pdf
Accel Warm Up
Ground based mobility and activation
Neuro series + 3 broad jumps
Accel wall/ Fast arms x2
4x20 yard sled sprint, 2x30 yard free sprint
Power Snatch (with 2 mats)4x3 @ 88, 110,132,154
Power Clean/Pull (with 2 mats) 4x3 @ 199,221,2x243
Recovery/ General Strength
Eliptical 10 min
Push/ Pullup/ Upper back/ Hamstring x 3
Abs...approximately 100 reps of decline sit-ups, hanging leg raises, and straight leg sit-ups
Mobility Drills (every drill you could imagine)
Stick WRRRolll
My mangina came out (to the point were tissues were laid on the platform) during my cleans...arm was numb so i couldn't catch my last two sets...all in all I'm going back to the old school recovery method...I have always been the type of athlete who feels like a million bucks when he's rested, but also loses his legs with in days of high volume...I think I'm a mixture of the good old fashion " fire and wood athlete"...for more on that check out this interesting article http://mikedemeter.com/articles/5%20Elements%20-%20Poliquin.pdf
Thursday, January 21, 2010
There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way
Throughout the last eight months I have been very fortunate to have created some great relationships while at NX Level. Thus far my career seems to be speed balling down the turf. As some would say, my time at NX has gone by with the blink of an eye. Months and months back, while still at Whitewater,I was finalizing my internship plans. I looked toward a future career in the strength and conditioning field thinking about box jumps, hang cleans, foam rolling, 40 yard dash starts...I thought about making athletes better by way of programming, exercise selection, and coaching techniques. What I never thought about was the extraneous characteristics and often overlooked wonders and highlights that really make what we do a joy. I've really came to realize that, although I am still obsessed with the aforementioned traits (40 yard dash starts, etc); I frickin love this job because of two key things. Number 1: I am surrounded by great people & Number 2: I've chosen to both be happy and to find love/reward in what I do!!!
#1 The Great People Around Me- It's not to often a workplace is completely uniform in terms of their interests and goals. Put simply..we f-ing love to train and we f-ing love to train others. We are lucky to have each other. Some time's the hours do grow slightly old, but f#$%, time is only a measurement anyways. Yes, we do get tired and maybe a little cranky, but it makes it so much easier for us when we come to realize that the guy or girl, athlete or kid...whomever it may be (yeah that even includes T-Bone) is jacked up to be at NX, to get a chance to better themselves in the workout that they've been looking forward to all day...to joke around with their "trainer". We are very fortunate to get the best of the people we work with and that is what makes this job so rewarding. Our job's essentially boil down to aiding people in their physical betterment...but we all know that a little exercise is definitely medicine for the soul.
#2-Happiness as my choice & not just my prerogative--I think whats made me so happy with where I am at right now is that I've let myself become happy...I've chosen to be happy...Making the choice to view the world around me as a painting I created and not a photo someone else has taken; has given me direction with how I want to lead each day. A couple entries before I blogged about perspective. I think for the first time in my life I have perspective on things. As human beings we are constantly in search of this mythical allusion of happiness-- that it's out there some where to be found...this misconception is worthless and extremely misleading to those who try and give it truth. You are happy if you want to be happy. Contrary to happiness, if you're always out their searching for more you're bound to never find that certain "it". My grandpa used to tell me when I was a kid, as a matter of fact he still does to this day, "you are special because you are you." I think he told that to all of his grandchildren, but he was damn right. You are you! There isn't anyone like you in mind, body, and spirit. You can guarantee that... My point is for this happiness to occur you have to love yourself.
To leave you for the day I would like to finish with a powerful quote by my favorite author, Wayne Dyer.
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
#1 The Great People Around Me- It's not to often a workplace is completely uniform in terms of their interests and goals. Put simply..we f-ing love to train and we f-ing love to train others. We are lucky to have each other. Some time's the hours do grow slightly old, but f#$%, time is only a measurement anyways. Yes, we do get tired and maybe a little cranky, but it makes it so much easier for us when we come to realize that the guy or girl, athlete or kid...whomever it may be (yeah that even includes T-Bone) is jacked up to be at NX, to get a chance to better themselves in the workout that they've been looking forward to all day...to joke around with their "trainer". We are very fortunate to get the best of the people we work with and that is what makes this job so rewarding. Our job's essentially boil down to aiding people in their physical betterment...but we all know that a little exercise is definitely medicine for the soul.
#2-Happiness as my choice & not just my prerogative--I think whats made me so happy with where I am at right now is that I've let myself become happy...I've chosen to be happy...Making the choice to view the world around me as a painting I created and not a photo someone else has taken; has given me direction with how I want to lead each day. A couple entries before I blogged about perspective. I think for the first time in my life I have perspective on things. As human beings we are constantly in search of this mythical allusion of happiness-- that it's out there some where to be found...this misconception is worthless and extremely misleading to those who try and give it truth. You are happy if you want to be happy. Contrary to happiness, if you're always out their searching for more you're bound to never find that certain "it". My grandpa used to tell me when I was a kid, as a matter of fact he still does to this day, "you are special because you are you." I think he told that to all of his grandchildren, but he was damn right. You are you! There isn't anyone like you in mind, body, and spirit. You can guarantee that... My point is for this happiness to occur you have to love yourself.
To leave you for the day I would like to finish with a powerful quote by my favorite author, Wayne Dyer.
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Tuesday Training
Bike 4/ Elliptical 4
Abs 10x26 (260ish reps)
Stick Rolling and light skip/stretch
Wednesday Training
Vibration and Stick
NX Dynamic Warm Up and Ground Based mobility/activation
Box Jumps 4-5 up to 46 inch box
Chain Box Squat 3x5 @ 205,275,345 (felt really good)
Banded Speed Deadlifts 8x1 @ 275 (thanks T-Roy)
Eccentric/Regular Glute Ham Raise 4x6 with 75
Prowler 4x15 yards @160
Bike 4/ Elliptical 4
Abs 10x26 (260ish reps)
Stick Rolling and light skip/stretch
Wednesday Training
Vibration and Stick
NX Dynamic Warm Up and Ground Based mobility/activation
Box Jumps 4-5 up to 46 inch box
Chain Box Squat 3x5 @ 205,275,345 (felt really good)
Banded Speed Deadlifts 8x1 @ 275 (thanks T-Roy)
Eccentric/Regular Glute Ham Raise 4x6 with 75
Prowler 4x15 yards @160
Monday, January 18, 2010
Start of Speed-Strength Block
Monday Training
Top Speed/Elastic Emphasis
Short W-UP
Accel Dynamic
Hurdle Drills
Ground based and activation/ Runner Machine
Badger Neuro Series/ low pogo hurdle hops 2x10
Flying Sprints 1x 5/10, 10/15, 15/20, 20/25, 1x walk 5 to 35 sprint
SLB 20 yards...Run in alt. leg bounding 30 yardsx2
Jump Squat 3x10 30lb db's
Medball Throws 2 x 10 chest pass/overhead toss
Chain Incline Bench 4x5 (2 chains@115)/ Barbell Row 4x6(60-70)
5 minutes of choice shitbag circuit and Standing Hip Flexor Pullins
Top Speed/Elastic Emphasis
Short W-UP
Accel Dynamic
Hurdle Drills
Ground based and activation/ Runner Machine
Badger Neuro Series/ low pogo hurdle hops 2x10
Flying Sprints 1x 5/10, 10/15, 15/20, 20/25, 1x walk 5 to 35 sprint
SLB 20 yards...Run in alt. leg bounding 30 yardsx2
Jump Squat 3x10 30lb db's
Medball Throws 2 x 10 chest pass/overhead toss
Chain Incline Bench 4x5 (2 chains@115)/ Barbell Row 4x6(60-70)
5 minutes of choice shitbag circuit and Standing Hip Flexor Pullins
Saturday, January 16, 2010
NX Warm Up 1/2
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 1/2
Ladder Footspeed 2 1/2 min.
Block Jump Shrugs 3x3 155,245, 335/ Seated Broad Jump x 3 p.r.@8'9" in bball shoes
Deadlift up 1x263,350,405x2, 450...felt horrible so i called the lift off
Step Up (barefoot) 4x5 185,205,225x2
Chin 3x5@ 45-75, finished with a max set of 25 (left some in the tank)
5 min shit-bag circuit (10 reps each of hip thrust, shoulder 21's, calves, arms)
Hi Prowler Push 3x25 yards @ 45's
core chops/sprinters
Going to eat like a pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OINK
NX Warm Up 1/2
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 1/2
Ladder Footspeed 2 1/2 min.
Block Jump Shrugs 3x3 155,245, 335/ Seated Broad Jump x 3 p.r.@8'9" in bball shoes
Deadlift up 1x263,350,405x2, 450...felt horrible so i called the lift off
Step Up (barefoot) 4x5 185,205,225x2
Chin 3x5@ 45-75, finished with a max set of 25 (left some in the tank)
5 min shit-bag circuit (10 reps each of hip thrust, shoulder 21's, calves, arms)
Hi Prowler Push 3x25 yards @ 45's
core chops/sprinters
Going to eat like a pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OINK
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ta Ta Training
8 min bike/eliptical/
abs 10x25 (250 reps)
Stick WRRoll, quick quick stretch
Thursday Training
Stick and vibration
Accel Warm-up 1/2
Ground based and activation 1/2
Runner Machine Series x 2
Badger Neuro Frequency
Accel wall/fast arms x 2
Start Series 4x 5
Sprints 20x4,30x3, 40x2 Kneeling4,Wall3, 40 start2
Quick Warm-up
Bench up to 235x3, 245x3...rack lockouts 2x3 @265,285 (horrible elbow pain)
Close Grip Band Lo Cable Pull 4x8/2 Rope Face Pull 4x15,15,12,12/Straight Leg Hanging Leg Raise 4x12
DB Floor Press 3x10,8,6 75/90/105...X Band Upright Row 3x15...Decline Sit up 2x15
8 min bike/eliptical/
abs 10x25 (250 reps)
Stick WRRoll, quick quick stretch
Thursday Training
Stick and vibration
Accel Warm-up 1/2
Ground based and activation 1/2
Runner Machine Series x 2
Badger Neuro Frequency
Accel wall/fast arms x 2
Start Series 4x 5
Sprints 20x4,30x3, 40x2 Kneeling4,Wall3, 40 start2
Quick Warm-up
Bench up to 235x3, 245x3...rack lockouts 2x3 @265,285 (horrible elbow pain)
Close Grip Band Lo Cable Pull 4x8/2 Rope Face Pull 4x15,15,12,12/Straight Leg Hanging Leg Raise 4x12
DB Floor Press 3x10,8,6 75/90/105...X Band Upright Row 3x15...Decline Sit up 2x15
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Bike/Eliptical 8 short minutes
Long Stick Roll
Abs 10x22 (220)
Hip openers/ quick stretch
NX Warm Up 1/2
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 1/2
Ladder Footspeed 3 min.
Block Jump Shrugs 3x3 135,225,315/ Seated Broad Jump 3x3
Deadlift 4x4 @ 415, + 1x 20 second hold
BB Military Press 4x 4, @ 155/ Chin 4x5 @ 55
Step Up 3x5 175,195,215
5 min shit-bag circuit
Hi Prowler Push 4x25 yards @ 35's
Bike/Eliptical 8 short minutes
Long Stick Roll
Abs 10x22 (220)
Hip openers/ quick stretch
NX Warm Up 1/2
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 1/2
Ladder Footspeed 3 min.
Block Jump Shrugs 3x3 135,225,315/ Seated Broad Jump 3x3
Deadlift 4x4 @ 415, + 1x 20 second hold
BB Military Press 4x 4, @ 155/ Chin 4x5 @ 55
Step Up 3x5 175,195,215
5 min shit-bag circuit
Hi Prowler Push 4x25 yards @ 35's
Thursday, January 7, 2010
“We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within.”- Earl Nightingale
I like this quote a whole lot. How many times do we make a situation worse than it really is or vice versa? It's all about Perspective...perspective...perspective...perspective. It's really hard sometimes to make the best out of what you have and become blind to any negatives in our lives. I think practicing a brighter outlook or maybe becoming one who sees the big picture is really about making happiness a habit. You have to force it sometimes and it may take repitition to always think in a positive manner. However, as many would agree we are definately creatures of habit....and you're habits become who you are and what you are all about.
Thursday Training
Stick and vibration
Accel Warm-up 1/2
Ground based and activation 1/2
Runner Machine Series x 2
Badger Neuro Frequency
Accel wall/fast arms x 2
Start Series 4x 5
Sprints 10, 20, 30, 40, 30 ,20 , 10
Bench up to 5x4 @ 225-230
Quick Warm-up
Vested Inverted Row 4x12/Face Pull 4x15,15,12,12/Straight Leg Hanging Leg Raise 4x12
DB Floor Press 3x8 80/90/100...DB Shrug 3x12 120...Decline Sit up 2x15
I like this quote a whole lot. How many times do we make a situation worse than it really is or vice versa? It's all about Perspective...perspective...perspective...perspective. It's really hard sometimes to make the best out of what you have and become blind to any negatives in our lives. I think practicing a brighter outlook or maybe becoming one who sees the big picture is really about making happiness a habit. You have to force it sometimes and it may take repitition to always think in a positive manner. However, as many would agree we are definately creatures of habit....and you're habits become who you are and what you are all about.
Thursday Training
Stick and vibration
Accel Warm-up 1/2
Ground based and activation 1/2
Runner Machine Series x 2
Badger Neuro Frequency
Accel wall/fast arms x 2
Start Series 4x 5
Sprints 10, 20, 30, 40, 30 ,20 , 10
Bench up to 5x4 @ 225-230
Quick Warm-up
Vested Inverted Row 4x12/Face Pull 4x15,15,12,12/Straight Leg Hanging Leg Raise 4x12
DB Floor Press 3x8 80/90/100...DB Shrug 3x12 120...Decline Sit up 2x15
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday Training
Acceleration Warm Up 1/2
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 1/2
Seated Box Jumps 4x2 @ 30,37,42,42
Box Squat up to 5x4 @ 370 (special thanks to T-Roy)
Rev Hyper 3x12/3x6 Heavy Band Hip Flexor Pullin
Hi/Lo Prowler Sprint 15/15 w/120/70
Wednesday Training
Eliptical 5/ Bike 5/Abs 10x22 (220 Reps) Stick Roll 20, Mobility 5/ Skip Series, Stretch 20
Got's to keep learning from the people around me!
"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself."
-John Dewey:
Acceleration Warm Up 1/2
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 1/2
Seated Box Jumps 4x2 @ 30,37,42,42
Box Squat up to 5x4 @ 370 (special thanks to T-Roy)
Rev Hyper 3x12/3x6 Heavy Band Hip Flexor Pullin
Hi/Lo Prowler Sprint 15/15 w/120/70
Wednesday Training
Eliptical 5/ Bike 5/Abs 10x22 (220 Reps) Stick Roll 20, Mobility 5/ Skip Series, Stretch 20
Got's to keep learning from the people around me!
"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself."
-John Dewey:
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I'm Back
Troy and Allison, sorry for the time away...
Since I last wrote in I finished with a Deadlift workout on the 19th and didnt post..than after a long weekend I became gravely ill. The time away allowed me to recover and really put my training into perspective...I am severly overtrained. I am starting back up my three week strength/ three week speed block...heres how the week looked
Tuesday's Workout
Acceleration Warm-Up
Stick Roll
Ground Based Mobility and Activation
Seated Box Jumps 2x3 @ 37 inches
Box Squat worked up to 5x5 @ 340
Seated Box Jumps 2x3 @ 37 inches
Glute Ham Raise 3x6 @ 40,50,60
Prowler 4x Hi 15 @ 50lbs/low 15 @ 25 lbs
Wednsday Training
Stick Roll
Abs 200 reps (10x20)
Backward run and side skip series/
Hip Openers and Mobility
Thursday Training
Dynamic Warm-Up
Ground based Mobility and Activation
Runner Machine Series x 2
Neuro Frequency Drills
Accel Wall x 2
Start Series 4x 5 yards
Kneeling Sprints 2x5, 2x 15, 2x25, 2x35
Upper Warm Up
Bench 5x5 @ 210
Chest Supported Row 4x8/Band PullApart 4x15/ Srt Leg Hanging Leg Raise 4x10
DB Incline Bench 2x10/ 1 Arm DB Shrug 2x12/ Decline Plate Sit Up 2x15
Stick Roll
Abs 10x20 (200 reps for those who can't do math)
NX Warm Up 1/2
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 1/2
Ladder Footspeed 2 min.
Block Jump Shrugs 3x3/ Seated Broad Jump 3x3
Deadlift 4x5 @ 383, + 1x 20 second hold
BB Military Press 3x 5 @ 145/ Chin 3x6 @ 45
Step Up 3x5 165,185,205
Hi Prowler Push 4x25 yards @ 25's
Off/light stick & stretch
"We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep.”-Earl Nightingale
Since I last wrote in I finished with a Deadlift workout on the 19th and didnt post..than after a long weekend I became gravely ill. The time away allowed me to recover and really put my training into perspective...I am severly overtrained. I am starting back up my three week strength/ three week speed block...heres how the week looked
Tuesday's Workout
Acceleration Warm-Up
Stick Roll
Ground Based Mobility and Activation
Seated Box Jumps 2x3 @ 37 inches
Box Squat worked up to 5x5 @ 340
Seated Box Jumps 2x3 @ 37 inches
Glute Ham Raise 3x6 @ 40,50,60
Prowler 4x Hi 15 @ 50lbs/low 15 @ 25 lbs
Wednsday Training
Stick Roll
Abs 200 reps (10x20)
Backward run and side skip series/
Hip Openers and Mobility
Thursday Training
Dynamic Warm-Up
Ground based Mobility and Activation
Runner Machine Series x 2
Neuro Frequency Drills
Accel Wall x 2
Start Series 4x 5 yards
Kneeling Sprints 2x5, 2x 15, 2x25, 2x35
Upper Warm Up
Bench 5x5 @ 210
Chest Supported Row 4x8/Band PullApart 4x15/ Srt Leg Hanging Leg Raise 4x10
DB Incline Bench 2x10/ 1 Arm DB Shrug 2x12/ Decline Plate Sit Up 2x15
Stick Roll
Abs 10x20 (200 reps for those who can't do math)
NX Warm Up 1/2
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 1/2
Ladder Footspeed 2 min.
Block Jump Shrugs 3x3/ Seated Broad Jump 3x3
Deadlift 4x5 @ 383, + 1x 20 second hold
BB Military Press 3x 5 @ 145/ Chin 3x6 @ 45
Step Up 3x5 165,185,205
Hi Prowler Push 4x25 yards @ 25's
Off/light stick & stretch
"We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep.”-Earl Nightingale
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