Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Training From Zero: 24
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ vested Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
box stretch
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's 7,8/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 10 reps 55, 75, 85
2 Vest Inverted Row 4x10 / Band Pull Apart 4x15+
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Pallof Press
stretch groin/ thoracic mobility

Wrestled Troy, he got a hold my leg about a minute or so in, got a takedown and I rolled into a pin...thats okay, I keep coming...troy's a hater, I hate him : )!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Training From Zero: Day 22
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 4 more on left leg)2,4,6
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's 6-8/ Barbell Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 185,275,345
3x Push Up w/2 vest + chain 20 seconds/ Face Pull 3x15 @12-16

Day 23 Training From Zero
Eliptical 20 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Mobility Drills 10 Minutes
Stretch 10

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1905
Don't be like most people : )

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Secret to Success #5- Dont ever lose sight of the true you

We all have inherent, natural qualites that sometimes we hide or lose sight of. Maybe you dont want to be the person you are or think you are. Is it alright to try and present something different from what or who you actually are???...I can't answer that, you have to answer that question for yourself. You define you!!!!!!! No one else can aptly describe you in an all encompassing way better than you can. I encourage you to keep growing as a person, but never lose sight of the way you were when you were a 5 year old kid.
I like the quotes from above because when I know that years down the line from now I wont be exactly where I picture myself, but I know I will be exactly where I am supposed to be...make sense : ), probably not to you... but it does makes sense to me

The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another. ~James Matthew Barrie

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you? ~Fanny Brice
Training From Zero: Day 15
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 4 more on left leg)3,4,5
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's 6-8/ Ground Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 154,243, 315
3x Push Up w/2 vest 20 seconds/ Face Pull 3x15 @12-16
Lower Ab and Plank finish

Day 16 Training From Zero
Eliptical 10 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Mobility Drills 10 Minutes

Training From Zero: 17
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 15+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's 7,8/ Pallof/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 12 reps 50, 70, 80
Chest Supported Row 4x10-12 @70/ Band Pull Apart 4x15+
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Lower Ab and Plank finish

Thursday and Friday: off

Training From Zero: Day 20
Eliptical 10 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 2 more on left leg)
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ Single Leg Hip Thruster 2x10 50/60
Vested Natural Glute Ham raise 3x10/ Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
Chin Up/Pull Up/OG Pull with vest 3x 12/ Vested Scap Pushup 20/ Y/T/W's 15 reps 10's
Lower Ab and Plank finish

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.”

I was asking some questions and looking for some answers a couple days back. Don't mind what I was asking about, who I was asking, or what I wanted to hear...well anyways I got an answer and it kind of came in an unusual format through a character that somewhat made me laugh. The answer to my question was simply: "When you're ready I will tell you." I think sometimes if we listen or stay open minded for a long enough time we can get answers from the most unusual forms and through the most unusual avenues. Dr Wayne Dyer once wrote "we should have a mind that is open to all things and attached to nothing." I think he was basically relaying what I'm trying to say- that in some cases answers will come to you in the most peculiar ways.

"I am waiting for the Lord, my soul is waiting for Him, and my hope is in His Word." Psalms 130:5

Training From Zero: Day 8
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 8 4 more on left leg)2,3,4
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's 7,8,9/ Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 185,225, 275
3x Push Up w/vest 25 seconds/ Face Pull 3x15 @12
Lower Ab and Plank finish

Day 9 Training From Zero
Eliptical 10 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Foot Strength 5-10 minutes
Mobility Drills 15 Minutes
Lower Abs 5 minutes

Training From Zero: 10
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 15+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's 7,8/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 12 reps 50, 65, 75
Vested Inverted Row/ Band Pull Apart 4x12 @12
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Lower Ab and Plank finish

Thursday and Friday: off

Training From Zero: Day 13
Eliptical 10 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 35 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg 45 Back Ext x 3 (10, 8 2 more on left leg)
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ Single Leg Hip Thruster 2x10 50/60
Vested Natural Glute Ham raise 3x12/ Hanging Leg Raise 3x15
Chin Up/Pull Up/OG Pull with vest 3x 12/ Vested Scap Pushup 20/ Y/T/W's 15 reps 10's
Lower Ab and Plank finish

I had a really busy week and I ate pretty damn bad! I gave in to stress and I'm really unhappy with myself for doing so! However, today's workout really put me back on the right track. I finished my workout by devoting about 10 minutes to stretching my adductors (aka my biggest lowerbody weakness). I envisioned Jean Claude Van Dam the whole time...that guy had a ridiculous combination of flexibility and speed. I am going to slowly progress things in...just like we preach at NX Level, a proper performance enhancement program has to be centered around proper progressions. Its been really hard to watch other athletes and be on this "beginner" routine. However, I can't get ahead of myself...hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Training From Zero: Day 5
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg 45 Back Ext x 3 (10, 8 2 more on left leg)
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ Single Leg Hip Thruster 2x10
Glute Ham raise 3x12/ Hanging Leg Raise
3x Push Up 25 seconds/ YTW's 15 reps 10's
Lower Ab and Plank finish

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 4: Training From Zero
Eliptical 10 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Foot Strength 5-10 minutes
Mobility Drills (cossack squat and band contreras series) 12 Minutes
Lower Abs 4 minutes
Stretch Relax (adductors and foam series)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Training From Zero: Day 3
Bike 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 15+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix/ Single leg Glute Ham Back Ext 10 and 8 x 3
Mid Line Rope Chop 8's/ 2 Up 1 Down Leg Curl 3 Sets 12 reps 50, 60, 65
Chest Supported Row 4x12 @ 65 / Face Pull 4x12 @12
2x Purple Band Pushdown 20/ Calf Raise 21's
Lower Ab and Plank finish
Felt great!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 2 Training From Zero
Eliptical 10 minutes
Myofascial Release & Lower/ Upper Stretch 40 minutes/ Muscle Energy
Foot Strength 5-10 minutes
Mobility Drills 15 Minutes
Lower Abs 5 minutes

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Training From Zero: Day 1

Training From Zero: Day 1
Eliptical 5 minutes
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 3 (10, 6 4 more on left leg)
Lo to Hi Rope Chop 8's/ Hip Thruster 3 Sets x 10 reps 135,225, 245
3x Push Up 25 seconds/ Band Pull Apart w/ pelvic tilt 3x 15
Lower Ab and Plank finish

Awesome Day--I feel like I moved my body towards the right path. My focus on EVERYTHING is PERFECT POSTURE and PERFECT TEMP0. I am honing in on my pelvis and am focusing on keeping three points of contact with my feet during all exercises.

I see you, Troy

-I would like to direct everyone's attention to Troy Dequaine's latest blog post (@ 200poundsis200pounds), "My Manifesto." If you haven't read it, let me tell's a must read. Troy is our general manager at NX Level's Waukesha location. He is a friend of mine; he is a role model. Though charming, funny and at times a very sociable lad; I personally think of Troy as an introvert. He seems to be always thinking and observing. He is always reading a book...and not just about strength training; he likes reading about "things" of substance. Troy never sugar coats shit--I don't know if I'm like that; but I respect that in him. Troy is accountable. Troy is responsible. Troy has been through a thing or two. Troy trains hard. Troy works hard. Troy stomps his feet before a big deadlift. Troy is strong of body. Troy is strong of mind. Most importantly, Troy knows who Troy is. That is something to be valued.

"It's never crowded along the extra mile"- Dwyer

-Sunday's Secret to Success: Stay Late
-Congratulations to Jake Bodi on his big marks at the Arnold Classic Strongman Competition

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Inside Out: Training From Zero

This Monday I did some acceleration work because I was jacked about the nfl combine and Taylor Mays' stunning 40 yard dash. Awhile back Troy wrote about some huge strongman dude that he wanted to be like...and to be honest I'm not going to hate on that post because I want to be a freak like Taylor Mays...
I gotta marry for genetics and just someday create an athlete in his liking. This guy is 230 with about 5% body fat, reps 225 about 25 times, runs a 4.2ish 40 and jumps over 40 inches. I want to be that kind of freakish athlete & so I do all of the "cool training" they know crazy plyometrics, lifting just to kill weight regardless of technique, and as Nic Hansen jokes, "I do acceleration work on my recovery days."
I've become so infatuated with the glamorous movements and methods that I've really reached that point where I feel like where I am at can't get any better without making a big change. Well this week I was squatting and basically months of training like a mad men finally took its toll and my lower back "gave out"...I've pretty much come to the realization that I dont practice what I preach. I had Matt Gibbons of Sport and Spine take a look at me and just like I knew he told me I had a pretty severe leg length discrepancy due to my pelvic tilt...that pelvis area has really been a focus of mine when thinking about sports performance lately. Back in the late summer and early fall, I was training and also really preaching to my athletes about the importance of being able to stay tight in their abdominal an athlete I've gotten away from that... I told Troy that my style of trainig is something I would never really prescribe to an athlete. My training program is much like a birthday cake made by a five year old...there is so many sprinkles and so much damn frosting that it really has taken away from the cake itself.
My goal is to change that. I created a needs analysis to address these dificiencies:
#1 Improve mobility and strength of my thoracic spine
a. daily mobility and soft tissue work
#2 Improve flexibility and mobility in adductors, ankles, and hip flexors
a. daily mobility and soft tissue work and flexibility
#3 Create a stronger anterior chain (low abs are a huge weak point)
a. daily lower ab strengthening exercises (isometrics, etc.)
#4 Strengthen posterior chain
a. 3 days a week, Troy recommended a Hard, light, and medium day...with that I will have to swallow my pride with my squatting and single leg/ quad dominant work
#5 Body Fat Reduction
a. I've been saying for the past 3 years that I would like to get my body fat down to the 5 to 8 percent goal is to be at 6% by May 11th...paleo diet and discipline!
I'm calling this project: Training From Zero. I am thinking along the lines that, if I were an athlete molded from the ground on up, what would I first try to foundation has got to be mobility, flexibility, and something I would like to call "specific -long term -postural strength". I will spend a solid 3 to 6 weeks minimum building this base....I just have to be patient and will have to try and stay away from the glitzy training I love.