Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday: Day 25
Eliptical 25 minutes
Stick and light stretch 30 minutes

Training From Zero: Day 26
Eliptical 5 minutes
NX Level Linear Ladder Drills
Upper and Lower Myofascial Release/Muscle Energy/Stretch 30 minutes
3pt 10 yard Sprints x 6...just getting really bored felt pretty good
Lower Ab/ Abdominal Hollowing 5 minutes/ Ankle Mobility and foot strength 5 minutes
Dynamic Movement 5+ minutes
Ground Based Mobility and Activation 10+ minutes (higher reps)
vested Lunge Matrix and Single Leg Glute Ext off box (blue plate 10 left, 8 right) x3
Hi to Lo Rope Chop 8's/ X Band Barbell Back Squat 3x12,10,10ish? 95,145,195
Vested Natural Glute Ham raise 3x8-10 w/10,20/ Pallof Press'
Chin Up/Pull Up/OG Pull with vest 3x 12/ Vested Scap Pushup 20/ Y/T/W's 8 reps 10's

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