Sunday, February 7, 2010

Failing...but so much more resilient from it!

I think we've all heard that familiar Apollo 13 quote, "Failure is not an option." Though the context was a matter of a life and death situation, that famous quote has been popularized and taken quite literally as a mantra for many success driven people. Screw that, I say! To often we want to be blind to the idea of failing. What a boring life? I'm looking back at things like my football career, girls, school, many situations...the list goes on and on. Things didn't quite turn out the way I had wanted or imagined, but I know that I am where I am supposed to be at this very moment because of what I did or didn't do. I am responsible for me, for where I am at. I don't want failure (like my car failing this morning) nor do I necessarily welcome it. However, we all need to realize that with those unhappy moments in which we are frustrated a bit or have strong feelings of discomfort, we will inevitably LEARN and improve. When the time comes and you stumble or slip, bounce back. Learn to embrace those failures, big or small, and I guarantee you will be happier and find that you are a stronger, more resilient person.
I leave you with two quotes that equally swallowed me whole:

"There are no failures – just experiences and your reactions to them"

"A man may fall many times, but he won’t be a failure until he says that someone pushed him."

1 comment:

  1. You said the word "situation" twice in this post. Does that make you Matt "The Situations" Gifford?
    Also, I kind of get a "poor me" vibe. Talking about your car failing is just a big sob story. Lame.
    How can two seperate quotes swallow you whole? Did one spit you back out because you didn't agree with it's stomach? Did you get any digestive juices from the first quote on you? Did the second quote have any problems swallowing the other quote's vomit? Either way, gross.
